Anonymous ID: d225fc Aug. 3, 2024, 7:29 p.m. No.21346942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6983



  1. Picatinny Arsenal, 4o° 38’N 74° 32′ W- saucer base, 1/4 cubic mile large & very deep underground.



The state of New Mexico and Colorado have been used for the construction of a series of underground bases. (All the rest of the states have too.) The Primary Underground facilities in New Mexico consist of 3 enormous underground bases in:

The Dulce, NM area (an area I spent several days investigating in 1993).

The White Sands–Alamogordo Area has 3 underground bases. Datil and Pie Town have two more underground bases. (Carlsbad Cavern which had underground activity, which is reported discontinued, and another base to the east of Carlsbad.).

The Los Alamos area underground facility. the Taos area underground facility

The New Mexico area has basically four underground systems out.

One goes to the Four Corners area and then to Groom Lake (Area 51).

One goes north toward Delta, CO, and Colorado Springs.

The Taos facilities go north approximately along Interstate 25 and eventually ties in NORAD.

The southern bases connect to Texas and Mexico.

The Los Alamos facility dates at least back to 1940. One can only imagine what has been built with 1/2 century of labor on this underground system. Visitors to the deeper levels report humans kept in glass cylinders, plus many other strange things. I have had the opportunity to debrief some people who have been in the lower reaches of some of these facilities. There are special badges, special uniforms, tube elevators, etc. which for lack of time I will not describe.


Anonymous ID: d225fc Aug. 3, 2024, 7:29 p.m. No.21346946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6983



  1. Angel Peak- reported saucer base. Carlsbad Cavern area (now destroyed), 32° 25.0’N 1040 14.0W -old relics of saucer base left.

76-78. Dulce, N.M., 36º 56.0’N 106°59.8’W,–South of Dulce, in the area of the Jicarilla Indian Reservation, another facility is east of the Dulce facility a number of miles. This is run directly by Illuminati w/ Army and Airforce help, CIA also conduct experiments at the center; the size of the installation is huge requiring small shuttle trains and has seven levels according to witnesses. Serves as a UFO base, biological experiments, production center for small-grey drones. Wackenhut provides some of the security on the ground.


  1. Kirtland AFB, NM, Sandia National Lab

  2. Manzano Mtn, near Albuquerque, known as the Kirtland Munitions Storage Complex, Airforce, 3,000-acre base within the Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Labs complex, guarded by 4 lethal rings of fences, use unknown, suspected UFO base. A new 285,000-sq. ft. bunker is being built near Manzano Base.

  3. Pie Town, 34° 17.9’N 1 108°08.7’W, in the area near Pie Town, UFO Base.

  4. Sandia Mountains NE of Albuquerque -reported saucer base

  5. to the north of Taos Pueblo

  6. White Sands, 32°22.8’N 106°28.8’W, a major hub for research, tied in with Dulce & NORAD, HO for NASA /military shuttle flights, radiation research ctr. and mind control.



  1. Adirondack Mountains (near Elizabethtown)

  2. New York Metro area

  3. Plattsburgh (near Canada and St. Albans) AFB, 49°40’N 73°33 W- two saucer bases in this area.



  1. Ada, 34°46.4′ N 96°40.7W W, underground saucer base, this base does human cloning, and it is FEMA’s most sensitive base.

  2. Ashland Naval Ammunition Depot, 34°45.9’N 96° 04.3’W,- reported saucer base



  1. Bull Run, north side of Bull Run Reservoir area near Mt. Hood, and very close to Larch Mtn. and south of Benson St. Park of the Columbia Gorge.

  2. Coos Bay area has had three separate but coordinating underground facilities built for UFOs. The facility farthest east, about 20 miles inland in the wilderness near Hwy 42, has been shut down. It is now an old abandoned facility well camouflaged. The coast facility is probably still operational.

  3. Klamath Falls, OR–since Sept. ’95 this has been a base for a number of NWO groups including the Air National Guard, FEMA, CIA, FBI, Spetznaz, and Page 306 …

MOSAP training base. An underground concentration camp exists here.

Anonymous ID: d225fc Aug. 3, 2024, 7:31 p.m. No.21346952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6983



  1. Blue Ridge Summit, near Ft. Ritchie, known as ‘Raven Rock” or “Site R”, Army, major electronic nerve center, 650 ft. below the surface with about 350 staff and over a 716-acre area. possibly connected via tunnel to Camp David. The NOD installation is involved with psychic (demonic) and satellite control over slaves. This underground complex is to allow the government of the United States to escape a nuclear attack. The enormous complex radiates under Wash. D.C. and connects with many other sites. The tunnel system is used to move some of the mind-control sex slaves. The walls and ceilings of the tunnels are ceramic tiles with fluorescent lighting recessed into the ceilings.



  1. Ft. Hood, TX, 31° 15’N 97° 48′ W, home of some Delta Mind-Controlled soldiers and a reported saucer base.

  2. Denton, TX, 33° 13.2’N 97° 08.2’W – FEMA, regional center, activity secret

  3. Red River Arsenal, TX- reported saucer base



  1. Bluemont, Mount Weather base, Federal Preparedness Agency & FEMA, small-city underground, top-secret, the staff of several hundred, does secret work for FEMA and contains a complete secret government with the various agencies and cabinet-level ranking administrators that keep their positions for several administrations and help run the United States.

  2. Culpepper, 380 28.5 N 77°59.8’W, about 2 miles east of Culpepper off of Rt. 3, called Mount Pony, Illuminati–Fed. reserve, 140,000 sq. ft.,

includes a facility for the storage of corpses, monitors all major financial transactions in the U.S. by means of the “Fed Wire”, a modern electronic system.

  1. Pentagon, Arlington, VA-

  2. Warrington Training Ctr. –two sites: one on Rt. 802 and the other on Bear Wallow Road, on Viewtree Mountain. One is Station A the other Station B. Army & ??, purpose unknown.



  1. Bothell, 47°45.7’N 122°12.2w W, FEMA, regional center, activity unknown



  1. WHITE HOUSE, 38°53.5’N 77°02.0’W–The secret NOD underground installation which is connected to the intelligence groups like NSA and the CIA, as well as many other nefarious groups, lays under the White House with tunnels connecting this NOD installation with the House of the Temple. The Supreme council of the 33° of the Scottish Rite’s House of the Temple has a 14′ x 25′ room in it with 13 chairs where the Illuminati’s Grand Druid Council meets. The NOD Deep Underground Installation has numerous levels to it. One eye- witness, went to level 17 (via an elevator) and stated that he believes that deeper levels exist.

Anonymous ID: d225fc Aug. 3, 2024, 7:31 p.m. No.21346953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6983



  1. Sugar Grove, the Navy’s Strategic Intelligence Services microwave communications. There base here.

  2. White Sulphur Springs, under the Greenbriar Hotel, a mini-city large enough for 800 people equipped with its own crematorium, if there are any other purposes other than listening to U.S. microwave communication it is unknown by this author.



In Utah, the Kennecott Copper Company has been connected to the Illuminati and the KKK. These connections have been exposed in other writings by this author. Kennecott’s mine (reported to be owned by the World Bank) in the Salt Lake City area is serviced by Union Pacific, which is reported connected to the Mormon Church. The mine is receiving a heavy volume of big trucks after 11 p.m., for instance, on a normal night over 6 dozen large trucks with 2 trailers each roll into the mine. In other words, it appears that the heavy train & tractor-trailer activity indicates something besides mining.