Anonymous ID: 05eedc Aug. 4, 2024, 12:23 a.m. No.21347799   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7801

Trump Advisor Kellyanne Conway Registers as Ukrainian Agent

Donald Trump’s former senior advisor Kellyanne Conway has registered a foreign agent for Ukraine.

In an official filing with the Department of Justice in accordance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act, Conway appears to have agreed a lucrative contract that will involve lobbying U.S. politicians on behalf of Ukrainian interests.

Kellyanne Conway registers as a foreign agent of Ukraine and Viktor Pinchuk Foundation. She’s getting $50k a month to get US lawmakers to speak at the Yalta European Strategy next month, arrange meetings between Ukrainian soldiers and US political leaders.


Her scope of responsibilities are described as follows:

– Engage US lawmakers and experts and opinion makers, to explain the importance of Ukraine to the rules-based order and the protection of democratic principles


– Make best efforts to convince US lawmakers, experts and opinion makers, to attend the annual meeting of Yalta European Strategy in Kyiv on September 13 -14 (YES AM, or to participate virtually) at the Client’s expense and subject to the Client’s confirmation, and provided that such lawmakers, experts and opinion makers are compliant with all laws, rules and regulations that apply to such travel paid for by the Client


– Make best efforts to convince US political leaders to speak at the YES AM and similar meetings, conferences, and engagements, either in-person or virtually


– Contribute to raising awareness among US decision makers of Ukrainians’ fight for freedom and the Russian illegal war of aggression;


– Assist with organising meetings of Ukrainian soldiers and veterans with US political leaders to share their insights


– keep the Client informed of its progress and achievements and its assessment of the current state of views on Ukraine among US elected officials, candidates, experts, and opinion leader.