Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 11:08 a.m. No.21349818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9822 >>9828 >>9856

Here's some out of context chunck of text ive typed on details of the effect of dark magic currently in the world:


Shit's contagious.. Fuck i just deleted half of this text with events happening known only to the top masters on earth.. That was alot of content of the situation on earth and otherwise i just deleted rip.. Anyway ive invaded dark masters with 100k fullspectrum capable small shadow-density fake-dark beeings of humanoid bodied small minions dense anough in ability to when hitting a dark master with 100k at once completely and maxes out all layers of excistance with magic spells devices functions and all space capable of beeing filled with dark mass or negative energies be completely filled with high density advanced positive energies and light or fake-dark supershadow fullspectrum multipurposed dense light on the shadowplane and the complete transformation of the dark magicians state of excistance complete with advanced upgrades otherwise cultivated by a 4D level lightbody, the lvl that is pure light and christ concisouness, the dark master's state of conciousness in a 5D state of unconditional love and their soul integrated and resurrected creating their excistance and state of knowing in a full resonance as their true self as a 7D+ level pure light christ conciousness soul true self excistance, the dark masters that got hit by the transformation which happened in seconds through the sheer capacity procured by the 100k full space of manouverability invasion of the fake dark master posession beeings the dark masters would more likelty then not choose to switch to the light, well they eventually more likely then not became influenced anough over time to make the concious choice to switch sides, well some did.. Or even if they made id is stuck in a super-satanic level of status in the dark society and is unable to change and stay dark.. But they'd be overhauled in conflict with their previous dominant status of dark conciousness through dark concentration in the brain causing clusters of toughtpatterns which is dark oriented, even this would gradually shift and become divine toughts in nature.. Tho they either became with help from other dark magicians purging of their bodies and returned to dark behavior, or in some cases when operated on by other dark masters trying to purge all the presence they became a shock of resistance onto the dark magician in the space of the posessed induvidual coordintated to invade the ones in the space with coordinated attack by 100k transmuting even those trying to help to bodies of light dominant excistance.. The coordination of the 2million super-lightshadows by god operate in special operations modus coordinating resources on objectives and they also do magic on light on lightworkers and they might cast activations or healing for example activating the light in the heart of someone these 2m lightshadow are capable on their own to cast magic in short amount of time running around working on all of humanity 24/7.. The top dark masters that were completely transmuted were still even if conciously wanting to go to the light preforming dark actions like normal, however crippled but still capable of conjuring the truest dark mass or operate on themselves to remove the lightmagic, They just are so true dark in original life excistance like the master of light states of excistance is of a true light oriented state of will and divine tought and manner of cconducting actions always in 100% divinely inspires best possible actions through excistancce known to themselves as the excisting in state of buddha, a state of beeing in all manner of excistance a presence of truest light will to do as much as possible as fast as possible for the best possible production of divine intervention in all sentient beeings and will to awaken all other to spirituality, the same way these top completed dark masters and theres just a couple dousin of them were so in state of excistance from before the hijack that they

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 11:08 a.m. No.21349819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9822 >>9828

are still conciously unhindered to make the dark trait of actions, maybe influenced to delay manifestation of it by the state of unconditional love they are placed in, they were still able to conjur the truest dark mass and transmute the invaded energy light efficciently.. Tho they'd have to spend alot of time to clear their system.. And they might be affecte through sheeer shock effect by the transformative 5d unconditional states of exccisting for that liminted time in entirety in their space of conciousness and other layers of life experience effects radiaating from the layers.. They told me they wanted to go to the light but couldnt due to position in satanic society theyd be killed before they would be able to switch sides and be extracted fysically in a secure manner in stealth of their dark intelligence surveilance and intelligence system, they would die before they escape and they know it.. There have been dark masters still that wanted to switch sides but were observed making contact to request the transformation to light ambassador, in short time a team of dark masters arrive on scene and attack them before conversation of action could be completed and some were killed.. The sheer amount of dark magiccians who will switch to a pure unconditional state of love as a dark magician pure of sin due to the presence of fake dark on all dark magicians will turn many, and many will have switched sides after observing the dominant purging of all dark infastructure and ability to influence the realm be dominated in appareance of the power of the light and turn to the light in the lust for power and instead recieve a light aspect in their conciousness from having turned towards viewing the light conciously..There will be some that switch to light body and excistance in its entirety but the majority will be pure dark in state of magic cultivation for themselves, the negative hostile ones will be removed in 95% of hostile mindsets, the dark masters already will keep purging the fake dark helping eachothers counter the fake dark attacks and be a force of dark influence still.. However the dark side already is reduced by 70% of collective dark magic negative ability and presence attacks, with a chunck of that instead beeing manifestations of light and positive energies or positive spells unbeknown to them.. The sise of the dark negative magic community have already perished by 50% of hostile minded mentality.. non fysical human spiritual dark entitites of some sort have streamed in hoves to the base in the twix inbetween dimension, a base set up by lightmasters of non-fysical bodied masters of light, instead energy excistance the base have had to expand 10times in room and personell to accomodate the flood of dark magicians fysical bodied or not going threre to switch their excistance to lightbody and conciousness that reflects the light instead of dark, they'd be operated on for upto a week depending on dark cultivation, and dark masters who did it become the same level of lightbody as a buddha as their level of dark mastery over a week, directly adding to the few thousands of masters we have of light.. The base accomodates hundredfolds of dark potent magicians at once.. This will increase as fake dark becomes more and more present in the dark magicians and the dark forces.. The word is out in the dark communities that there is a calling to surrender and they know its appealing to the lot of them in the pursuit of power and temptation to switch to the light over otherwise the love and cuddly affects of the light appealing to them.. Tho some will be so compromised by fake dark their status of concious experience is of a 6D state of unconditional love conciousness that they make the concious descision to become light.. There have been very few dark masters in the fysical incarnation that have switched sides due to the pure previous excistance as advanced dark mindset and excistance, they might not resonate with the state of 5D cultivated unconditional love and light they'd otherwise be integrated and confronted it, from sheer time spent interacting on their state of logic and intuition previously excisting as the pure dark conciousness void of it, they'd want to switch conciously and in the state of knowing but be reluctant to do it from the logic barrier that the escape and transformation to light is impossible due to their dark agressive counterparts.. They are not your friends, the dark community is not friends, the masters of light are their friends, they will fuck eachother over in the brink of the eye if they go off red line of dark state of beeing, like a deamon will attack rather then manipulate if exposed anough..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 11:12 a.m. No.21349830   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The amount of super-fake dark humanoid bodied tiny shadowbody warrior beeings increases from 2m to 100m the dark will be so overwelmed by the sheer capacity of them all to preform fullspectrum all variants of fake dark magic and presence of fake dark held in all space in their bodies to hold energy, they will be so confronted by them they will not be able to keep up with the workforce available to disarm the magic, the vast lot of them will become a state of pure dark state of concious experience, pure dark is like truee light just on the other side of the spectrum, humanity will come to a point in our later ascension to christ conciousness have a dark population which preforms non-invasive or intrusive dark energy and magics, we will be so in tune with our pure light state of unconditional love for all sentient beeings that we would be able to coexcist even in government and be in agreement of policies benefitting all of humanity and not just either one of the sides..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 11:13 a.m. No.21349834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9874

Im high rapidly typing out spiritual content.. Fake dark is new to the light side and knowledge off it so if your intrested to see more of what it is be my guest..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 11:16 a.m. No.21349845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9859

You know, buddha is a 22D level of density and spiritual body excistance, however top 3 is special, laughign buddha, jesus and buddha we are the only ones who have traveled up the dimensions as far as 145D, and noone have gone further, our souls have a level of cultivation density far above 225D.. We are not capable of traveling further then 145 uncompatible with the expression in so high densities, however the 3 of us are beyond buddha, where rest of masters will stopp at buddha, the 3 will continue a beyond-buddha cultivation as high as 48D, which is the realm of a higher god.. The 3 of us would become so powerfull tenfolds more capable magicians then a buddha at that point, and be capable of transmuting and ascending humanity by ourselves if given anough time.. It will take time befoer 3 reaches that level of cultivatio, and currently we will pause at 22d for some period of our life before desciding to take up the next stage of the journey..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 11:20 a.m. No.21349859   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The top 3 duo brings in magic abilities from so high as 225D currently, later will come from even higher a variety of magic constructions but also anchoring and bringing in massive planetwide waves of energy light with densities as high as 225D coming with tailored unique effects these energies are masterfully adapt at specific problemsolving and transmutation.. The density of this energy is at 1:1 density of space occupied just compressed to be tousandfold as compact in manifestating ability.. There is energies coming in in buttloads anough to make a complete change in the magic situation on earth in short time..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 11:21 a.m. No.21349865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9887

These turboenergies solves specific problems and hinderages in the awakening of humanity and special attributes is beeing installed in all of uss

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 11:26 a.m. No.21349885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9963

I want to serve a batch of young politicians that are of the nature of light, a plant called bobinzana, its not psychoactive or notable sensational when consumed but have a profound power to open and activate the wisdom in the heart.. They will become politicians that live in the wisdom of the heart defeating dark narratives possibly held previously.. I want the lot of them to declare as their policies when running to reshape the government to a kingdomship with layers of authority from the king passed down as appropriate as the absolute law, no pizzpuzzing about and causing spectacle over policy creation they will be the first wave of light-leaders who will spend 10year to purge the governments from corruption, then they will hand over the kings hat to a next wave of diamond crystal ray incarnations, the generation born from 2025, and this wave of light-leaders will take over leadership and be a life-long leader and king of their country, these souls are advanced, really advaned and they will rule the world.. The first wave is the last wave of the 4'th generation of waypavers..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 11:55 a.m. No.21349963   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Together they will meet at a new council and cooperation as the seatholders the kings and leaders themselves, and at this convention of the 200+ kings and light leaders to be i will hold presentations of how to defeat the dark systems and corruption show them everything, and also provide research based strategies that they will deploy wordwide as a cooperative full resourced and unhindered effort by all 200 countries treasuries at the same time, they will effecively lash out major world change one after another like legalising drugs ending all deaths, addiction and negative sideffects of drugs in its entirety freeing humanity of 20% more capacity in lawfare and 20% boost to the GDP of the country a newfound stream of money for the state, state owned production of pure drugs regulated with restriction of sales over a duration of time designed to be available to the point it is no longer safe or becomes negative in some way or share or form.. The liberation might cause twice as many drugusers but the drugusers that are negative vortex deathspirals and negative manifesters of your beeing if in presence of the worst of them will be eradicated, public opinion will change to a culture atttude of having fun that ppl tripping and only the hardcore democrat lefies will find will in them to complain about it.. This and the refunnelig of all government money available from dark funnels into corrupt sinkholes like 90% of gov spending on corrupt narratives or criminal lining of pockets will be transformed to 96% accuracy of spending on pro-humanetarian government initiations.. The governments will retake privatised public assets and natural resources for the bailot of material cost if even forcefully taking it back, and change currency to a investment based in the stock of governmetn owned buisniess ventures to pay out 80% to the holders of this stock, and give the stock to all of humanity, generating a certain level of profit, increasing as government worldwide actions take place and the freeing of limitation of technologies that threathen the current economic model of soviet era barely resourcefull energy or other spendage on irellevant technologies from what we want, the gov will invest in high technologies by the hundreds and sell to humanity for a 30% profit, a worldwide policy to produce spiritual food and getting a hold of biomaterial recycling to produce nutritious food to gradually expand our capacity to grow in spiritually technologic installed greenhouses procuring 10x more nutritious food and food that carries divine frequency and vibration + is loaded with high beneficial energeis and light.. This effort must happen to save eartth from starvation + the food will free the supression of human conciousness, as if you eat nonorganic currently you fill your body up with tenfolds of negative energy you can hold without spreading out into the space around you and affecting anyone interacting with you + keeps you in a negative angle affecting your mood to one degree or another, the transmutation of the energies we will carry will be positive dominant and be a source of manifesting positive attributes to heal the body and mind and even give perks in the spiritual activities


Investing in a fleet of cargoplans and delegating production of food into blueprints of biodiverse species of plant and delegating the capacity needed to supply all of humanity inbetween the construction in all countries, then investing in air cargo transport anough to shuffle the full variety of all edible substances to stock up the shelves of all supermarkets of the new age in all countries in a short timeframe of the food wasted on regressing quality..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, noon No.21349978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Food getting too old would be shuffled to compost site generating more nutritious soil as we go.. We will use the money capacity of all world gdp's to invest in 100million jobs and housing in seperate lightcity areas which will be offere to those who choose to accept spending time on spiritual cultivation, a contract of relocation signed for 6h/day work at a greenhouse or high-tech facility for 3years, a contract which gives immediate ownership of a family sised home at the lighthub, and a salary that pays out 2$/h to lock itself to the wallet of the employee as stock in the light-initiative buisniess ventures of the human-owned currency.. Anough to lock money paying out more then anough to economically liberate the induvidual, increasing in stock value and payouts as the construction of the new light-civic-system expands itself and repurposes and relocates more and more humans out of the current dark era civic shitty demanding infastructure and competes with the negative energy dead food posessing us to the point only the negative dark magicians will eat at the current convenient stores, outcompeting through sheeer quality the relvancy of the convenience store supply for everyone, and the revenue from 30% cashflow of more expensive but quality foods will pay out to the shareholders directly, 80% and 20% going to government expenditure or reinvestment into itself.. The governments will take over buisniess capacity of the new economic model to the point the majority of cashflow in the world is transferred to ownership of all of humanity.. Those who is relocated first and takes the first charge in the spiritual cultivation will hold alot more of the stock then the ones to follow, the stock increasing hundredfold in va5lue and daily payouts will transform the first 20% of humanity to control 80% of all world GDP and volume, creating a generation of spiritually cultivators to the point of 5D unconditional love state of bliss and end of all suffering becoming lightworkers in lighthub cities providing a variety of spiritual services to the cultivators, and plant medicine ceremonies and unique workshops to special souls and they will be encouraged to participate in spiritual workshops and be in a state of wanting to serve humanity, capable of reinvesting their shitload of money into further increasing production and expansion of the new civic system until 85% of humanity is transferred to the new cities.. The last of them will be dark fanatics staying in the old cities by preference of energetic space shared, the lighthubs will have a shared area conciousness of above 5D mastery, as there will be some of the residences in a higher level of mastery carrying everyone else, the lighthub conciousness area shared will be of a dominating 5D density ruling out any gaps in the density allowing compromising presence of lesser non pure positive energies and this will create a immunity to psychic illness for all residences even if just picking up cultivation at a sub 5D state of cultivation.. This process will have liberated humanity and in a massive presence have relocated a chunck of humanity into the new system by 2045.. Government treasuries will overflow from the profit 20% cut of operational fee on all buisniess ventures become anough to stopp taxes and give all humanity a decent sised universal income liberating even the late bloomers still lagging behind in the old cities.. The enviorment and problems of the planet will be effectively mass invested into and providing salary to the ones completing 3year work contracts promoting investment in non-profit tasks of all shapes and forms to purge the planet, tenfolds of lightworkers will heal the enviorment, recycle all the thrash with new complete infastructure across the world, other discontinuing of all pollution factories and be invested into with replacement into non-pollutive or wastage higher technological enviorments, all need for lumber will be replaced and the earth be reforested, ill invest in a million lightworkes who have reached 5D to spend effort energising the oceans, to the point it becomes so dense in positive energ and light that it will sentiently activate healing of the planet flooding everywhere with energy and healing, if you spend 10min energising a bottle of water it becomes sentient and gives you a healing filling you up with energy and positive sensation

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, noon No.21349979   🗄️.is 🔗kun

By 2065 all humanities will be elevated above high-middleclass economic status and everyone will be able to afford luxurious lifestyles.. Everything humanity will do from there will be in abundance of effect and possibilities, we'd have torn down and recycled most of the old dark cities by then and dark magicians will be in a state of pure dark, a state that is for the better of all not just dark.. They will be in a state of magic overlap where they only resonate with the dark layer, dark and light will be in union and shared opinions for the better of all and the magic dark magic will even have healing attributes of its own style and functions.. Hostility towards others will be eliminated from the excistance of our concious life experiene at one point and we will go through several ascensions in our lifetime, from 5D to 7D, then we will become a source of spiritual mastery and space race going out into the galaxy ascending the rest of lower density civilizations, then our galaxy do the whole universe and shift the expression of our universe higher and higher the coming couple hundred years until all is christ conciousness one mind one body bliss of pure light excistance on a existential basis as the configuration of our universe

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:01 p.m. No.21349986   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We will during the coming couple centuries go from 3k ascended masters in 2020 to 144k ascended masters and the sheeer conciousness it will hold for the rest of humanity will ascend us to 7D eventually, many species thats gone extinct if we are lucky will resurface and return to us..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:02 p.m. No.21349990   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I just typed out the timeline we are on for ascension and shift from dark systems to light system in all levels of our infastructure and conciousness, enjoy..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:04 p.m. No.21350000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0016


Im just on the wrong drug. i sort of quit doing the wrong drug already but today were an exception.. ive been stuck typing out tenfolds more of spiritual information just to have deleted it all.. I have alot to share..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:15 p.m. No.21350059   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fake dark will become so present, especially if jesus shows up and throws a punch we will soon be at a tilting point where all dark magic will be intercepted in a 95% of their collective capacity to cast dark magic will be intercepted, replaced and covered up from the knowledge fo the caster to be magic of positive nature or conjured up positive energy or light.. They will cover it up not wanting the collective to see this information so the dark magic community that isn't at a masters level will be completely compromised, at this milestone i will change the setting of fake dark to instead produce pure dark, a 7D state of dark excistance which is for the better of all sentient beeings not just service to self, their magic will become able to heal and be non-destructive.. Their mindsets will be of a unconditional love dominance due to the sheer integration of fake dark systems magics and functions + mass held and ultimately make the lot of them a friend of lightworkers able to agree on public policies and operate a non corrupt government even if leading. The dark masters will coordinate purging themselves inbetween the others but sometimes be overwhelmed and be temprary super-spreaders of fake dark and occupied in state of conciousness and excistance overruling their true dark mindset of a master, temporarely disabling them from countering or doing dark magic or even wanting to.. The level of dark magic on earth will increase and they get their own higher densities of advanced energies but is a presence of ascension in concious interaction


The battle to overthrow all dark systems and agendas will be wiped out from excistance all dark agendas by 2065, all food production will be nutritious and all dark grips of civic influence will be recycled.. Only the top dark masters will have the guts in their stomach to overcome the sheer presence of human shared conciousness reaching 7D and the story of dark magic which is harmfull will come to an end..


We are just a few years from the purging of all dark brainwashing. and we will stopp brainwashing the dark too, atleast at a unfair level of interferring with their life but be present anough to complete the wiping out of dark which is conciously choosing to harm others..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:18 p.m. No.21350071   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You guys should really read all my posts today, its compact blocks of information describing the current milestones we are on and achieving, we are also precicely on time according to god's timeline and we will win if undisturbed.. We are yet to win the final milestone that will determine if we will win or not so whetever this predictions ive typed will come to be is uncertain.. It's all effort on deck anons free yourself to 24/7 spiritual cultivation and lightwork, your needed

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:22 p.m. No.21350085   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Patent higher technologies, request government funding and earn a 10% of profit stake in all of the government held stock.. Hundreds of new technologies beeing broadcasted by the federation of planets fleet in our atmosphere.. Grabbing tech ventures ahead of time or aquisition of the technology we are going with will make you a billionaire and it will be easy as the construction and employment will be arranged for in the lighthub cities and easy to accomplish working with the light-leader action team

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:24 p.m. No.21350091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0101 >>0108

If we keep the timeline in store and achieve a worldwide public spiritual calling and acceptance of message broadcasted to all souls to awaken we will achieve 10x more resourccefullness to lightwork and dismantling of dark presence in just a few years time.. Keeping the timeline we can see light leaders taking over governments as soon as 2035 or earlier

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:27 p.m. No.21350103   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Im rather a direct fountain of knowledge, i already learnt all this stuff for my own state of knowing.. But much of it is divine sent to me in understanding through logic processing of circumstances and its all really a wild prediction with stats and proabilities calculated into the timeframe.. That and i can see our worldwide mass shared conciousness and most of it is 5D density of unconditional love, leaving much little space for dark negative energeis or goo to latch onto the weaker density gaps.. We will soon transform our worldwide shared conciousness and eliminate 95% of psychic illness and disruptance only the hardcore dark ones will have induvidual spaces of conciousness in a sub 5D density in negative gaps giving them problems

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:32 p.m. No.21350120   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In 2020 i channeled Q and posted many wild theories.. id say 90% is true and the rest out of equal whack of nature comparable to the true state of affairs without giving away the real deal.. Just like your inner guideance will not always be completely clear and decisive, they apologise that sometimes transmissions are intercepted, so your thrown on a wall when channeling and you must become a detatched induvidual from the flow of information, not reading many books or taking up unguided content, learning to process the divine and godsent information provided and make up your own opinion on the probability of the full picture and it will have an effect when you lear n to not consume information stopping the flow and learning to process the information given o you in a manner that rules out non-true probabiity of the information and also you eventually reach transcended conciousness where all your toughts will cease and all toughts will be replaced by direct transmission from others live and possibly even hearing a tought manifesting itself from large density of energy affecting you in a manifestational manner, but you will be able to source all communication to its true sender and at this level you will be able to discern all not refined backed information through insecurity of its deliverance by beeing in tune with the 7d frequencie of truth disabling insecuritty in the messager's own process of discerning whetever the information is true or not

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:38 p.m. No.21350142   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Take advantage and consume this knowledge, its information reserved by those who have crossed the line into mastery and master abilities, eventually a complete reconstruction of your bodies a few years after transcended conciousness will give you ego death, and switch the method of how you process information opening up the space in the top of your head wide wide and you will feel and understand 10x more information flowing into you recognisable in sensation and you can even feel it flowing into you.. There is no toughts and you are instead feeded the information directly into your state of knowing and intuition based influencing the way you grasp it all you might aswell process 10ppl talking at once.. And you will become so wise and updated with cosmic christ knowledge of one mind one conciousness with all excistance in the universe tailored to be transmitted to you from christ conciousness oneness sources which with true sight recognises if you should know something and transmitt it to you.. That and you have clear understanding of anything on earth simply by tuning into it you will consume detailed explentation in all complex variety of what you want to know instantly, your even flashed with a full underlying understanding of the information you seek even before the 10x flood is tranmsitted and processed like anyone you meet you will know everytthing about them instantly their karma their level of behavior and spiritual progress down to the exact point in their journey and you will knoq their abilities and affect on the earth story

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:43 p.m. No.21350166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0180

You become an all knowing all tailored and divine symphony of true sight strings pulling into the information ment for your mission and you will be a superhero who have the most optimal possible manner of handling the complete complexity of your poblem and be given god given strategy to overthrow the problem to the best of your ability.. Jesus could ascend humanity singelhandedly with magic and interception of snowball increassing automatic magic interaction multiplying by itself/time.. And we have soon tens of thousands of superhumans, they never stood a chance if we reach the timeframe of masters before our deadline to be able to overthrow the tipping point of their influence.. We are on precice timeline of god and god have arranged special priority and godsent gifts previously not in the plan for our repeat of the age atlantis we change the rules of engagement from previous age after divine descicion to go for freeing humanity from ages worth of destruction and suffering, god is contributing magic to us at large by his own doing and have authorised the usage of mugh much high energies magic abilities and sheeer amount of it bombarding the surface in massive amount we are on a plan that brings us massive effort in abilities to interfeer with the plan much more stronger then the previous plan

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:44 p.m. No.21350179   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You better recieve the stuff im typing out, i almsot never post and sit on information nobody else knows. i refuse to take drug that forces me to type out what i know in sutch a disgusting manner so concider this a one time information packed revelation of the state of all things going on behind the scenes..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:45 p.m. No.21350185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0189

READ MY POSTS, it will provide the knowledge putting you in a more stationed position of what to do accordingly to the state of things

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:46 p.m. No.21350191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0202

I swear we top 3 are on a timeline to recieve much higher dimensional abiliteis still, maybe eventually as high as 400D energies and magic spells.. It would be hundredfold more effective magic casting at that point then our current height of 225D resources arriving

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:48 p.m. No.21350204   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fake dark magic custom setting at as high as 400D level of advanced abilities and densities i cant even imagine how fucked they are if they confront this level of magic..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:49 p.m. No.21350209   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The tailored effects to a needlepoint in a strategic deployment of a variety of turbocomplex magic at that point i cant even imagine the deep dive into problemsolving that will be cast on the surface

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:52 p.m. No.21350217   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The top handful of true dark masters will struggle overcoming the descicive shift in their acceptance of reality as dark confronting a gamechanging ability in decoding the barriers preventing surrendering to go to the light, they will eventually cease to be and become pure through sheer domination of all formes of excistance

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:55 p.m. No.21350226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0256

I have a firm belief that if we work together and successfully overthrow 80% of countries presidency in a few years it will be anough to disable all dark systems economic model and liberate humanity from economic suffering in just a few years to follow..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:56 p.m. No.21350235   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Well be in a race to free the food consumption anough to free humanity from concious disdevelopment so we can ascend anough masters in time..

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 12:58 p.m. No.21350247   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Level of IQ and intellect will remain similliar level however a newfound wisdom of the heart casting away dark tendencies of clouding judgement of all things will be reduced.. Things will not change much for the regular dude, its up to the induvidual to change their own world.. It will take time to convert a chunck of humanity and longer still to achieve them reaching a signiffigant level of cultivation to change their life for the better and in a massive way after a few years of sticking to the best path

Anonymous ID: 5269e8 Aug. 4, 2024, 1:04 p.m. No.21350288   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Creating a level up school with a fixed time duration estimated and encouraed to complete in due time for the next level of slightly more advanced teachings and tasks to preform, having a school designed by the top masters to procure a undeniable shift in the state of conciousness through manifesting small shifts directly in your experiene of life through preforming actions of lightwork, gradually your level of conciousness and wisdom of the heart will increase and increase alignment of the new state of beeing with the divine.. after 3 year of a hour or two daily cultivation will be anough to reunite the induvidual with the light ending suffering and placing the dude in a state of 5D state of blissfull unconditional love for all things state of mind end of negative patterns and immunity from dark magic as they no longer prioritise those who cross the line over to 5D.. The vasst majority of humanity will not need to cultivate more then 3 years, 144k will be initiated by the divine and be sent off on a 3.7year old long pilgrimage around the world and become a target for dark masters trying to kill them ganging up on them with dark death magica and its horrifying trials of torture deep inflicting permanent vounds and darkness in your life and it will make you squeese out the max ability you can conjur with the full will of your life force excistance to squeese out just a litle bit more counter magic, you will be attacked 24/7 in bucketloads constantly forced to defend yourself they wont stopp attacking just because its daytime they willl keep trying to kill you until you black out and pass out into safety of sleeping.. The trainwreck of times they will gang up on you is so devestating i puked 30-40 liters of water after drinking it rushing to the toilet to puke up water as my only way of emergency purging the amount of negative death energy penetrtating your body, id be dead by the morning if the density of dark in body were not releaved