Anonymous ID: d50dee Aug. 4, 2024, 10:16 a.m. No.21349635   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9924

Object Sighted Over City in Brazil Riles Up UFO Fans

Aug 2, 2024


A bizarre aerial phenomenon captured on video over Curitiba, Brazil is the latest to capture the attention of “ufologists,” people who track sightings of unidentified flying objects as evidence of alien visitors.

A pair of videos uploaded to YouTube shows a triangular object hovering in the sky above the southern Brazilian city from different angles.

The first, shot by Zona Desconhecida, has garnered over 31,000 views since it was uploaded on July 21.

As the camera zooms in, the object appears to sport a chassis-like landing gear that vanishes later in the clip.

The videographer initially dismissed it as a drone, but the lack of visible propellers and its peculiar trajectory quickly dispelled that notion.


A second video provides an even clearer view of the enigmatic craft, revealing seemingly transparent or shiny sides and a shape that subtly morphs mid-flight.

The footage has racked up over 25,000 views on YouTube and spread like wildfire across other social media platforms, with some breathlessly declaring it "the clearest UFO video in history."

Armchair analysts have pored over every frame, noting how the object appears to inflate and deflate as it moves.

This observation has sparked wild speculation, with some suggesting it could be a biological ship, a multidimensional living entity, or—of course—an alien spacecraft.


But some internet sleuths claim the object is simply a massive star-shaped balloon, attributing the "landing gear" to image distortion caused by the camera angle.

Skeptics also counter that the video quality—however lauded by some—is insufficient to draw definitive conclusions.

The object's shape and movement certainly bear a striking resemblance to oddly shaped balloons that have been launched in Brazil before.

A video from January 11, 2013, shows Brazilians releasing similar balloon-like objects into the sky.


According to local media, the Brazilian Air Force has reportedly been unable to verify the images.

The agency did not immediately respond to a request for comments from Decrypt.


This latest incident adds another chapter to Curitiba's history with unexplained aerial phenomena.

The city, with a population of 1.7 million people, holds the distinction of having the most UFO sightings in Brazil, according to declassified government records.

Between 1952 and 2022, at least 861 UFO sightings were logged across Brazil, with Curitiba accounting for a whopping 80 of those reports.


One of Brazil's most infamous UFO encounters occurred on May 19, 1986, when multiple sightings were reported across several locations in a single night.

The event was significant enough to prompt the Brazilian Air Force to hold a press conference, during which a Brigadier famously stated, "It's not a question of believing or not [in aliens].

We can only give technical information. There are several hypotheses. Technically, I would tell you that we have no explanation."

Anonymous ID: d50dee Aug. 4, 2024, 10:31 a.m. No.21349690   🗄️.is đź”—kun

The Exeter UFO Festival, Exeter, NH


The Exeter UFO Festival is based on the famous “Incident at Exeter,” which occurred on September 3rd, 1965 in nearby Kensington, New Hampshire.


At that time, 18-year-old Norman Muscarello reported to the Exeter Police his sighting of an unidentified flying object behind a barn in Kensington.

As the police investigated the site, they too saw the object hovering where Muscarello had seen it.

Headlines nationwide told the story. The rest became history as the police and investigators nationwide tried to determine what young Muscarello saw that night.


The Incident at Exeter is one of the most well-documented UFO sightings in history.

It has been investigated by numerous experts, and there is still no consensus on what the object was.


The Exeter UFO Festival is a great opportunity to learn more about the Incident at Exeter and other UFO- and paranormal-related topics.

The festival features a variety of speakers, panels, and activities, all of which are designed to educate and entertain visitors.

For more information about our speakers and their presentation topics, go to the SPEAKERS page on this website.


In addition to the educational programming, the festival also features a variety of fun activities for kids, such as face painting, rock painting, games, and crafts including the popular UFO Crash Site for the younger kids. For details on the activities planned, go to the EVENTS page on this website.


The Exeter UFO Festival is a great way to spend a day or a weekend in beautiful Exeter, New Hampshire.

Exeter is a quintessential New Hampshire seacoast town, and the Festival is a fun and educational event for people of all ages.