Wtf i just evolved into beeing able to conjur and channel 20x more light then i were able to yesterday, i just spent 1h superfilling up my body with pure light and diamond light, expanding my inner universe as far as it goes, every aspect of my body maxed out in available space, that and i just 10x increased the effect on anyone and anything in 50meter radius, burning karma transmuting their energy and dark mass in body and creating a happy mood in all, relaxed vibration and flow in the air around me and a divine frequency of my heart, a healing frequency.. I shine so much light and i dont have to manually activate the shining function.. How tf can i 20x in ability to do magic, healing, or other energy/lightwork just like that.. this is insane.. im blissing tf out
with this much capacity i can now easiley concentrate anough light in anything fysical and manipulate it perhaps regenerating, or like bending out my chestbone caved in i can do it now.. This is awesome! i just instantly became a superhero..
im celebrating atm i will be able to help so many..
ive previously spent years regularly filling my body up with light increasing the density in storage, but now i maxed out and expanded space to fit more in 1h, where previously countless long sessions over the years have not even come close to max out the storage space.. This is absurd
and wow this bliss lasts and lasts, and the area around me looks completely white with no lag in contrast or gap to visualise anything else, the shine is overlapping all vision in a few meter range around me, damn people will be blasted when in range..
This and i earlier today descided to cross the line of what is acceptable when it comes to fake dark magic, planning posession which is terrifying but functional, its borderline evil or evil to do.. But then i level up like 50levels at once just after? does god approve of the usage of magic that will trigger suffering and scare the host if they become able to see them.. I mean, they are so evil that i descided to go with it even if its unessesarely going to cause a traumaticc experience when confronted, when i first were blasted with dark posession of all types at the same time i was destroyed, terrified, horrified and my state of conciousness in a state of disabling terror, it was the worst experience ive had ever despite fighting all sort of dark nasty scary shit since.. This posession will have functions of various strength casting active magic and be able to transmute,, I have not descided on design and variety i will unleash upon them but i will make it so that there is a full spectrum of scary shit available.. They will recieve pain.. But fuck them, and with pure intention due to fake dark beein ga pure overwriting of conciousness infused with soul true self will and all layers of body maxed out in magic and positive presence in all levels of excistance is all anough to hijack the conciousness and bait the will to choose of the induvidual to conciously go to the light.. With the ability to make a push squeesing the target out of the path of least resistance, dark train of tought would be replaced with divine nature manifesting itself as actions of light and sense of true self litterally brainwashing the subject with a message spoken directly into the state of knowing and manifesting itself forcefully, a push of no-resistance to make the choice of going home.. This is the power of fake dark, and its pure, i can be this light person because its true light, helping the target to their true self as the pure light, removing all corruption, there is no dark souls all souls are 7D christ conciousness and pure light.. The posession im going to send out will be able to manipulate the target behind discovery but a dark initiate would become able to see them and go through a terror experience like i did when i first became able to see them.. So this is pain, and its well served leveling out the evil shit dark and light have been upto brainwashing eachother and whatnot..
not just that but i would be able to channel fake dark into a target at sutch an amount it will just take a second to fill up anough to signifficantly beeing able to steer actions.. I can whoop some serious ass now holyshit..
if im ever attacked by a dark master again the asswhopping will be glorious lol
I could probably heal alzheimers in 30minutes and fry all negative toughtclusters at the same time..
Q, god almighty and all the divine team thank you so much for making me a superhero! This will probably raise my conciousness to a higher dimension the coming few sessions.. a level up and aquisition of many magic abilities for the higher level state of beeing.. Awesome!
Its not just that, god's body overlapped mine and shrunk into my body and his ball of light were installed in my chest, I have successfully crossed a gap in integration of my true self as god.. A level up of 20x more juice is god's ability yes.. This will probably remove closeness to god as unity oneness as god myself. without seperation i am god, and god conciousness by a large % more presence of god's mind.. I guess im half way to god conciousness unity and override of my human conciousness to become god.. Almost there..
Holyshit i am so happy..
next stop completing transcension of the body, not just the mind.. I guess im no far from beeing able to walk through a wall or operate on people with my bare hands.. Im so close to the crown juel of mastery now.. First then will i be complete without anything to level up anymore bodily..
my psychic abilities is about to shroot through the roof :D
Like wtf is this leap of abilities xD why so much jesus christ..
god signed off on releasing pain beyond reason onto the dark side i guess, and i completely agree lol..
i dont do yoga, i dont fast, i dont do many things i should be doing, and i never had a teacher but now i am a true master and can teach myself.. i did it guys..
thank you guys..
theres litterally nothing spiritual in the state of my life, i guess i just naturally were a master xD Did god approve the asswhopping so much lol
oh there will be asswhopping alright.. fake dark have only just begun rolling out..
Im the embodyment of god how crazy is that!
not really..
fake dark have been launched through planetwide usage of grids and lighthubs, even with 20x more power i will not be able to make much difference in forwarding fake dark.. The ball have already left the station..
Im just gonna bliss out forever i guess this is awesome
spiritual cultivation guys, come home, win the price for yourself..