Anonymous ID: a09295 Aug. 4, 2024, 6:18 p.m. No.21351983   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If only you knew how right you are. . . .

You know that part of "God Bless The USA" where it says,"And I'd gladly stand up, next to you, to defend her still today"?

When I'm alone and I play that song, I substitute those words with,"And I'd gladly sit here, on my ass, to defend her still today".

It's taken a hell of a toll on my health, but like I always say, "fat is temporary, but justice is forever."

I've already resumed my daily workouts, in anticipation of our impending victory.


Anonymous ID: a09295 Aug. 4, 2024, 6:43 p.m. No.21352100   🗄️.is 🔗kun



My great patriotic father was a lawyer who always seemed like "Mister Wet Blanket" whenever we kids wanted to do something risky.

But ever since I graduated from law school, after being trained to view things 5 - 10 steps ahead, I've become a lot more worried about foreseeable harm than I ever used to be and, thus, I've become just as risk averse as my dad was.

It's not that I don't have fun anymoar.

I do.

It's just that my fun nowadays no longer involves bungee jumping over concrete parking lots, running marathons with llamas in the remote mountains of the USA without cell phones or any other technological assistance, climbing 14,000 foot mountains without ropes or technology of any kind, going on 100 mile bike rides alone, or any of the other crazy stuff I did when I was young and thought I would live forever.

I'm glad I survived all those nutty things I did, because here I am, fighting for America and the entire world, taking it back from the evil shitbags who are here on this planet with us for only a short while longer.

[THEY] seriously underestimated us, because [THEY] underestimated how much God loves us, protects us, and is rooting for our success.


Anonymous ID: a09295 Aug. 4, 2024, 7:15 p.m. No.21352265   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>In 1995, at the request ofthe American Bar Association, he served as legal liaison to the former Soviet countries [Ukraine] and Georgia to assist them in converting their legal systems as independent states.




I hear theAmerican Bar Associationis imploding from the inside out. Watch what happens to that shithole group of Communists. . . .

Anonymous ID: a09295 Aug. 4, 2024, 7:24 p.m. No.21352303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2310





Last bred also had a post referencing the deltas that are coming up tomorrow, including the ones about the changing Tripcode. The post from last bred said the following (and attached the same photo that I saved and added here with the same name):



>>21351650 (lb)

(NOTE - I added the "lb" notation 'cause all posts were from last bred):


>>21351595 (lb)

>>21351606 (lb)

>>21351610 (lb)

On tomorrow's date, August 5th, there were 05 Q Posts

I've attached a screenshot of them for reference.



Anonymous ID: a09295 Aug. 4, 2024, 7:49 p.m. No.21352413   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you think "nothing happens" you're in the wrong place.

We don't care about the timing.

We, who have been here since October 28, 2017, know that things are happening.

Some of us know things are happening because some of us are doing some of the things that are happening.

As for the millions of homeless black men?

Why be racist?

The current state of disarray in The United States of America affects homeless people of all races, backgrounds, genders, ages, religions, etc.

The whole shit show is being cleaned up.

Clearly you're new here.

Anonymous ID: a09295 Aug. 4, 2024, 8 p.m. No.21352461   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank you for the reminder.

I am extremely grateful for what Q gave us.

If we never saw another Q post again, I could still live on for eternity with the knowledge, wisdom, instruction, prayers, encouragement, and inspiration that Q gave us.

We've been carrying on as though we'll never see Q again, taking comfort in knowing that the work we're doing (on my little research team) will be useful to future generations so that they will be able to more easily guard against infiltration, by enemies of the USA, than we were.

Thanks for the reminder.
