{ }lowns
{ }nside
{ }bominations
{ }lowns
{ }nside
{ }bominations
prejudice is a taught by the { } in { }
egytian pol beat old rome by a yuge underswinging subplot
there is a body double joke in there somewhere @ciascalps
i wonder how much really stupdi chitty tihngs tehy #ciascalps did wiff teh tech and teh blow in their face
preaterito is paralipsis not solipsism
it was just a science fair project, yall took it toooooooooooo far @lemminwinks
did you find chit in your cheerios little buddy
there seems to be a connection with this fawkes masq and it's followers @anon
always teh bizarre timing of teh t1d3p0d2
educated #thuglyfe
still lurking and digging hang on
that was the dude on the couch after bushes stole the cocaine my uncle was killed for
doubtfagbot , must /b clue
always around with pensive feds and chitty nasi memes etc, prol summon a corsi book too
ask susana martinez
call it spitebot i guess
the biggest stolen load at that pointedareaoftime
who wants to research how many zombies got decapitated in polomas mexico