I've had two odd experiences at Costco, where I occasionally take my five and six year old for lunch. One occurred today whilst standing in line. Old man behind me in line making small talk. Small talk about how he wished they hadn't removed the kosher hot dog from the menu. Small talk gave way to him saying that people could get "f'ed up on ice cream" so I gave him a hard cold shoulder. He kept initiating chat and eventually said "my great-grandfather was from Bohemia. He was the youngest of 14 children, and he was the only boy." Mention of Bohemia lit my almonds (if only for Bohemian grove–I am med-level redpilled atm and tried to read up on Bohemia but google has broken the wiki link[it only links to the rapper]..can only glean that it's a reference to gypsies and loss of sexual inhibition–what else?) and I gave him hard eye contact. His eyes were rheumy af. Why would an 80 year old man speak of kosher hot dogs and his great grandfather? Bloodlines?
I wouldn't be sharing this if it weren't for my other strange experience there. A few months ago I had told my children to find a table with their food while I grabbed a coffee out of the machine. This took longer than expected and upon reaching their table an older couple at another table had started a conversation with them. They asked if I was their parent and I said yes, I had been across the way. The woman said something to the gist of they had thought the kids were alone. Then –I shit you not– she does pic related. It was quick and I wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't been training to look for those signs. They left soon after.
Hussein and Julia Child(portrayed by Meryl Streep, was a staunch supporter of Planned Parenthood; she was originally booked on the American Airlines flight to Los Angeles on Sept. 11, 2001)publicly expressed their love for Costco hotdogs, specifically, and Hussein often visited the (former?) CEO's Seattle home.
Got in trouble for suspected human trafficking through (((CP))) foods;
Felina Salinas was arrested for smuggling $350,000 out of the country that this article alleges was from selling church sale baked good outside the Kapolei Costco—Costco does not allow soliciting and will not give charity to religious groups. The plane was leased by Apollo Quiloboy, a close friend of Duterte and leader of what appears to be a sex cult.
"Consumers have accused the church's charity, the Children’s Joy Foundation, of aggressive fundraising and even misrepresentation. Young church members are often seen selling baked goods at the Kapolei Costco and near White Plains Beach.
In her police statement, Angeles wrote that if church members didn’t sell enough, they were punished.
"We've been slapped or yelled at. The last time, I … received punches over my arms and legs,” she wrote. The police report obtained by Hawaii News Now contained redacted photos of her injuries."
All for some baked goods?
The Costco connection to this cult is tenuous at best, but at the very least, keep a close eye on your kids in the Costco food court, and watch out for Apollo Quiboloy.