It's missing bottom view.
Gold holding steady with USD.
>So is this a good time to buy a house?
Wait until deportations start and all of Blackrock's rental houses are sitting empty.
>Anon haz properties, gold bars, other goldz, diamonds and gems, massive cash, foods, waters, entertainments, skills, and firearms.
What you're missing is productive assets.
Any weatherfags here?
What habbens when these two tropical storms collide?,fires,labels:off
>Corn mash and a still
Not a bad idea, especially since a federal judge just threw out the law against home stills.
>What if it was possible to predict it?
>What if people could create it through artifical means [manipulation]?
>London Stonks exchange should be opening in 10 minutes. Buckle up buttercups.
>so if the banks all shit themselves
>what happen to our money?
You'll lose it to a bail-in.
No bail-outs this time around.
It's probably a good idea to get some cash in hand before normies get the same idea.