Hello Tel Aviv. I just want to say a few words. I have a funny feeling something terrible is going to happen to you guys in the next day or so. Truly terrible. I just want the truly good jews there (Jews who reject the ancient Babylonian ways) to know we will be thinking of you. Bibi has dragged your country down with him. He even implemented the hannibal directive to achieve his goals. To kill your own people in cold blood to further your personal agenda is truly sickening. To bankroll your enemies even more so. To even try and assassinate an allie's Leader to create war to bring about an even larger war? Truly satanic!
I have a few gifts in this life that are hard to describe involving visions, lucid dreaming etc. so I won't even try to, but all I will say is this…A MASSIVE…explosion is coming to Israel. Could not tell if it was Nuclear or some other new tech, but…Wow. Stay safe. Unless you are a fully fledged member of the synagogue of satan…then fuck every one of you, Christ is King…and God wins…Always. You should have listened. A higher power has had enough…