can ya pick out the FBI and/or CIA… or is it a 'mostly organic protest'?
exactly what a shitbag coward hiding in a Cop Costume wants when trying to shake people down with fraudulent "Rules".
shitbags would rather burn the world to the ground, so much easier to Rule over the ashes.
cops today are mostly just the Front Line Troops of the criminal government. Those 'backdown' Rules come from the people UP the CoC.
I will know a 'Good Cop' when i see his or her body camera arresting their Superiors for Unlawful Orders.
darn it. Was trying to find the meme "If you type Google into Google it will break the Internet"
as already said…
Ill believe in the Myth of The Good Cop, when i see a body cam of the Good Cop arresting a superior for Unlawful Orders.
the "bigger problem" is UP the Chain of Command.
ok… have we worn this out yet?
the world is about to catch on fire, but i still want the keks. Is that wrong?
Seven Corners is a location in northern Virginia. Five Points was NY in the 1800's.
and still missing the jist that LEOs are dragging their feet to arrest the criminals up their own chain of command that are sending out the Orders to let civilization burn.
truth talker here
It is an Oath-breaking crime against the Constitution for government to infringe upon the people's RIGHT to self defense. It is the General Posture of LEO's across America to protect the Unlawful Government from We the People being able to correct this situation, yesterday.
oie… that's a big'n
i agree with you… We the People reserve that Right. it is a very tight spot when so many People do not understand the Constitution while criminals in government send out ever new Rules and LEO's lap them up as "Law".
because more than a generation has been brainwashed against Liberty and Constitutional Law in Gubment Skool