Anonymous ID: ce071f Aug. 5, 2024, 5:58 p.m. No.21358660   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8663


In Hatian


Is there a Haiti link to Kamala


Kamala references marble in a quote here:


The former San Francisco district attorney and California attorney general said she wasn't dissuaded by the prospect of a former American president facing trial and a potential prison sentence. "The facts and the evidence will take the process where it leads," she said.


"I do believe that we should believe Bob Mueller when he tells us essentially that the only reason an indictment was not returned is because of a memo in the Department of Justice that suggests you cannot indict a sitting president. But I've seen prosecution of cases on much less evidence."

Mueller Hands His Caseload To Congress, As Impeachment Calls Grow Louder

Referencing the Supreme Court Building's faรงade, Harris said, "On one side etched in the marble are the words 'equal justice under law.' It doesn't say 'except for the president.' There you go."


Potential criminal charges against Trump were just one of several topics addressed during the half-hour interview.




She mentions Marble here too: