Q and team have been a little –stressed– facepalmed recently. Keep in mind though that we are still winning, however like with most things in life, every new encounter and obstacle presents its own unique set of challenges. The same is true with the plan. The plan is still sound and to be trusted but understand this: the plan is not linear. There are kinks and bends and changes in direction along the way - think of a plinko chip from its initial position to its final destination. These signify different contingencies: follow A if it works, proceed to B, else go to C; ways D, E, F (…X, Y, Z) are ready. This also signifies that this plan is of a disciplined and regimented conception; very thought out. When things are ideal, A to B can happen and the sweetness of such to be savored. Considering though that this is a ‘’war,’’ the ideal can be strewn out as fanciful. Reality, as we come accept it to be, is unsurprisingly the ultimate chooser of direction.
And now for the unreal…
What if I told you that somewhere out there in the world was someone that was essentially a power-up for our team; that was essentially a shortcut for victory (~) in this whole deranged conspiracy against America. What if I told you that this someone was important because of the subtle, procedural element of our nation’s law; that this particular someone would give just cause to action against the bad guys. A case and point? Maybe. But, how crazy does it sound that 1 someone could change the course of history for our nations benefit, and by extension the world’s. Impossible. America has the most powerful, most well-funded, best executed, and strongest security, law enforcement, judicial, defense complexes and apparatuses in the world – ‘’ever’’. They can take care of it alone. The good guys are seamlessly integrated across all levels, and the knowledge consolidated. An army in a sense. Naturally, the bad guys have an army too, though composed of captives, un-enlightened minds and the morally abated. I am certain that ‘’we’’ could take ‘’them’’ at any moment, without any second thought and save the day. But…..
We are a nation.
The rule of law keeps us a civil and reputable people. It is something that must be kept fundamentally sound, else risk tearing the fabric of our society apart. 242 years ago, some of the best men that ever lived laid the groundwork for this country and with their blood, sweat and abstract brilliance birthed the idea that freedom, equality and possession are innate to us as beings and cannot be waived. These are sacred concepts which must be respected in its manifestation: the law. Foolishness and mutiny of the law will not stand in the eyes of the U.S. and her citizens.
This is a political war. The belligerents are the lawfully good and the lawfully evil. The constraints of this war are to operate fully within the parameters of the law. The difficulty of this lies in the fact that this is not a game, yet must be played as one. It is a game of leverage; who can out leverage the other. As we well know, we have major powers on our side with their ability to ‘see everything.’ The bad ghuys have past intelligence on the misdeeds of some of the good guys. It is a matter of how to bring up this information ‘organically’ (optics) without looking like the gathering procedures or other protocols have violated the law or civil rights. This is really hard. Having everything is nothing if it can’t be used. Perhaps thats why the evil enemy is so smug: where they can cheat, we can’t - on point and squeaky clean. The greatest enemy to us isn’t the bad guys, but the minds of the millions of people who have to be oh so subtly inculcated with the truth.
Q team has been working tirelessly to fight this swamp and has continued to put imposition upon them. We are all a bit weary, but the bad guys are devastated, as their complexes and infrastructures are highly disrupted or defeated.
But back to this 1 someperson now. What if this someone was important enough to justify the expenditure of very sophisticated assets in order to… something. What if this one someone was known to x,xxx and perhaps even xx,xxx number of people, but completely unknown to the someone! What if this someone was anon. Absolute absurdity! This doesn’t happen. Its all fiction - all in the mind. It’s hard to play catch when the person holding the ball can’t throw.
Now, what if the good guys, within their wisdom, wanted to share a ‘gift’ of sorts. What if this someone told you that they shared something with us. What if I told you that our Holy Chalice of definite proof of the deprave evil that exists out there is absolutely real. And what if I told you that Holy Chalice, was the video… ‘’'THE VIDEO’’’. Now think Raiders of The Lost Ark: Jones tied to a post… ‘Don’t look.’
Everything above is assumption or perhaps just illusions of the mind.