Anonymous ID: 722228 Aug. 6, 2024, 7:18 p.m. No.21364771   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4797 >>4810


The educational system is like the mafia.

Trying to become a teacher is absolutely ridiculous.

Unless you’re a family member or a best friend of the people in charge, you’ll never get a job teaching. Once you’re in though, you are pretty much set for life. First year you create a lesson plan and run with it, then for the next 10 years you just use the same lesson plan and just basically hand out reading assignments, quizzes, tests and homework. Then you go to school on a discount, max out your degrees and make the maximum allowable rate based only on your education level- not for your job competency. We got kindergarten teachers making almost $200k, it’s absolutely disgusting. Then you add in all the time off like holidays, summer break, spring break, February vacation etc- plus benefits and it’s paradise.

The same goes for the people working at the schools, custodians that work 2 hours but get paid for 8. It’s a total mafia.

Anonymous ID: 722228 Aug. 6, 2024, 7:46 p.m. No.21364953   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4986


The managed democracy state called Taxachusetts.

They waste money like a motherfucker here.

People are openly talking about how the governor has a sealed indictment and she and others are currently shitting their pants. I hope it’s true.

Anonymous ID: 722228 Aug. 6, 2024, 7:57 p.m. No.21365000   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5010 >>5029


Remember, it’s useless to try to be a teacher in Taxachusetts unless you are in the family or a very close friend. Same with Firefighters and Police.

My town was sued because of the nepotism which was so bad there were applicants on the waiting list for over 18 years. The town eventually lost and had to offer jobs to those on the list.

My ex-fiancee was an adjunct professor at a Boston area college and decided to become a high school teacher so she got a second degree. After completing the internship that was required, she applied to many jobs but never got hired. She eventually got a few jobs here and there but they were just fill-in teaching positions that never lasted more than one year. To get tenure, you need to know someone to get the in.

I myself wasted 25 years on a computer networking career only to have my jobs all given to offshore tech support farms. I donated all my suits, ties and shoes to goodwill and never looked back. I swore off whoring for the computer industry forever.

Anonymous ID: 722228 Aug. 6, 2024, 8:27 p.m. No.21365122   🗄️.is đź”—kun


It’s not about move or accept, it’s about Fight, Fight, Fight!

My state will be respectable again.

Freedom will ring.

Think about this, Taxachusetts was the cradle of freedom, this is where the true rebellion began.

Bunker Hill, Concord- we owe our freedom to the patriots that said enough is enough.

Look at how far it has fallen.

This patriot will not back down and run.

There is great hope for the future.