Anonymous ID: acfd13 Aug. 6, 2024, 7:32 p.m. No.21364863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One way a Hollywood money pipeline might work

This is completely theoretical. I cannot prove a word of it.


So an actor gets a contract to work on a movie, paid at we'll say $40k a day. Said actor takes a trip to work on the movie in let's say Hong Kong. They are put up in an expensive hotel. Each day they get a text message, "We're so sorry but we are experiencing some unexpected production delays. We won't be able to work with you today. Please enjoy your stay. Your per diem will be paid per the contract." After five days the contract runs out and the actor goes home having enjoyed a week long all expenses paid vacation with $200k in their bank account. The production company quietly goes belly up, because obviously they were poorly managed. Out of an abundance of civic mindedness the actor makes a tax deductible campaign donation to let's say the Kamala for president campaign of let's say $150k. So the actor gets paid $50k and you have just laundered $150k of foreign money into Kamala's campaign. Rinse and repeat.