Anonymous ID: 68b101 Aug. 6, 2024, 9:31 p.m. No.21365372   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5382 >>5398 >>5403

A Patient Cured Is A Customer Lost. ER Doctor Threatened With Termination For Prescribing Medicine Insurance Company Disagreed With


Read that again. A big insurance company deciding medication, NOT DOCTORS and wonโ€™t let a hospital prescribe certain medication or theyโ€™ll be terminated


โ€œThe reason I'm sitting here before you today is because there was a patient who had early SARS 2 and she was well enough to go home, which meant I, as the ER doctor, could prescribe something for her. She wasn't gonna go upstairs. I prescribed hydroxychloroquine and zinc and I think I gave her Zithromax as well and I didn't think anything of it. I happened to call her 2 days later, she was doing great. It was my first one.


I got a phone call that I was going to be fired if I ever did that again And I was stunned. Who is the call from? The call is from the it came from the CEO of the hospital, who told my medical director to call me and I said, what's driving this? And he said, I don't think it works. I said, no problem.


Don't prescribe it then. You practice as an individual, as do I. But why do you care what I'm practicing? I'm prescribing my patient. He said, well, you know, there's a big insurance company.


It was Kaiser at this hospital and Kaiser put their foot down and told the hospital not to prescribe hydroxychloroquine.โ€