Federal Reserve
Congress through AIPAC
Federal Reserve
Congress through AIPAC
The City of London
Larry Romanoff
George Monbiot wrote an excellent article for the UK Guardian[27]
where he quoted Nicholas Shaxson’s Treasure Islands, stating that “the Corporation exists outside many of the laws and democratic controls which govern the rest of the United Kingdom. The City of London is the only part of Britain over which parliament has no authority.” His last comment may not be entirely true although it does work that way in practice. Monbiot says further that “the Corporation acts as the superior body” (superior to the UK Parliament), and that part is definitely true. Monbiot begins by writing, “[The City is] the dark heart of Britain, the place where democracy goes to die, immensely powerful, equally unaccountable.”
Monbiot cites Clement Attlee’s lament that “over and over again we have seen that there is in this country another power than that which has its seat at Westminster.” He continues that “The City has exploited this remarkable position to establish itself as a kind of offshore state, a secrecy jurisdiction which controls the network of tax havens housed in the UK’s crown dependencies and overseas territories. This autonomous state within our borders is in a position to launder the ill-gotten cash of oligarchs, kleptocrats, gangsters and drug barons.” All of that is very true, and the power of … the City have made impossible any effective regulation of global finance, American firms like AIG and Lehman Brothers simply moving to the City of London to carry out their off-balance-sheet criminal machinations that bankrupted so many people. American and other firms have often utilised the “services” of the City to evade the financial laws of their own governments. The City is, in real terms, a vast criminal enterprise run by gangsters.
It doesn’t seem widely-known that immediately prior to its financial collapse Lehman were selling their corporate bonds “backed by the full faith and credit of Lehman Brothers”, to unsuspecting investors who had no idea the bankruptcy was already virtually in motion. I don’t know where all these bonds were sold, but I know that billions of dollars of them were disposed of in Hong Kong, the money from these sales apparently disappearing into the bowels of the City of London.
Joseph Stiglitz also railed against the Jews in the City, telling UK legislators, “. . . these people are just using your rule of law to protect money they have stolen in other countries . . . From a global point of view, you are aiding and abetting theft.”[28]
A British MP said that the City of London is “a magnet for dirty money”.[29]
once someone on the right has been charged/prosecuted, then those on the left are wide open for the same treatment
not that many of them really
with political will, this could all be sorted out peacefully
Got dirty money from drugs, child/human trafficking, weapon sales etc lying around the house?
Need to launder it?
How Britain can help you get away with stealing millions: a five-step guide
2019 (City of London)
Dirty money needs laundering if it’s to be of any use – and the UK is the best place in the world to do it
Step 1: Forget what you think you know
Step 2: Set up a company
Step 3: Make stuff up
Step 4: Lie – but do so cleverly
Step 5: Don’t worry about it
Here is another interesting article from the UK Guardian, with a 5-step guide telling how… the City can help you get away with stealing millions.[31]
One indication of this is the UK’s Official UK Companies Register that is littered with fake names, because no identity checks are required. One corporation is registered, for example, in the name of “Holy Jesus Christ”, with his stated occupation as “creator”, his nationality as “Angelic” and his country of residence as “Heaven”. Another is in the name of “Adolf Tooth Fairy Hitler”, with a City sales firm in the name of “Donald Duck”, and so on. The UK government claims it hasn’t the resources to police the corporate registry, but the truth is they permit it to continue because it serves nicely the purposes of the gangsters in the City.[32]
Controlling legislation was proposed, but the… City had it killed.
An article in the Eurasia Review called the City of London ”A Parasites’ Paradise, Or The Best Criminal Sanctuary Money Can Buy”.[33]
“London has become the center of global financial capital by engaging in long term large scale active collaboration with multi-billion-pound drug, arms, people smuggling and sex-slave cartels. The […City] specialize in laundering funds from the Mexican, Colombian, Peruvian, Russian, Polish, Czech, Nigerian narco-kings. . . white slavers have their “private bankers” at prestigious City banks . . . kleptocrats, lifelong billion-dollar tax evaders, fleeing from their pillaged homeland.” It continues that “The City Boys” welcome “every gangster / oligarch”. It continued by stating, “The London Sanctuary for the world’s richest plunderers and parasites offers unprecedented services, especially protection from extradition and criminal prosecution at the site of their crimes.”