Anonymous ID: 022897 Aug. 7, 2024, 8:08 a.m. No.21367113   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21366701 (You) America's Great Divide: Steve Bannon, 1st Interview |FRONTLINEPN


If you haven't watched this whole interview, Bannon gives the entire timeline of how Trump got into politics and the tremendous power Trump carries with him always. Bannon said he had to forget everything about military history, wars and strategies working with Trump, because he out thought the entire DS trying to take him down since at least 2014-2015. Everyone was trying to convince Trump to drop out because of the "Billy Bush video", and he absolutely said No! I'm going to go out on the NY streets of protestors that hated him, but Trump kept on saying on the 25th floor,"those are my people, I have to talk to my people", SS said, "there's no way you are going out there", Trump responds,"I'm going out, I've got to talk to my people!"Bannon says that is what a leader does, and Trump's decision to talk them, waving and talking changed the trajectory of this attack."That day Trump won 2016"


The exchange on the video starts about 25 minutes before the first hour.


The stories and every way Trump won, and the support he had from the pepes (anons) was tremendous. When Breitbart was attacking FOX, Megan Kelly and the DS, resulting in 10-15,000+ comments on article that were pro Trump.Trump knew the people wanted what he was doing and his policy for America first and he never looked back. No republican was talking about saving America, challenging China and free trade, he was the real President for the people, the deplorables, all of us knew, the republicans had no idea.


I really liked hearing what was going on in the background, and how many of his advisors just gave up. Which was a good thing. If you have time its intriguing and hilarious too.