Tim Walz Brother, Craig Walz Dies When A Storm Drops A Tree Trunk On Him
Craig Walz was camping with his son & a family friend who brought his son. Bearskin Lake. Camp Menogyn
"The trunk of a mature white pine snapped and the tree fell on Craig Walz" reported at 10:25 p.m. Medical didn't show up till the morning.
"Brother to U.S. Rep. Tim Walz, D-Minn. — died…Sunday night after they were struck by a falling tree as strong storms swept across the Boundary Waters…"
15members of theCamp Menogynstaff were involved in the rescue of Jacob Walz and the two uninjured individuals, saidFred Sproat, executive director of the camp.
Sproat said.“I looked up, and it was agreen sky
Rochester Swim Club Orcas. "He loved his kids and his kids’ friends equally"