That is actually a really good flick. The symbolism is spot on in hero mythos
not that it matters to illiterate niggers who can not even read the constitution.
Trump is interesting because I am not sure if he ever stopped being President. But commie fucks can not even say his name they always try to say the former president of the person in office before, they can not even say his fucking name they are that scared. Its like if you say Trump Three times, a sense of patriotism and a spontaneous maga rally will form and you will want to build a wall, it may also make you like vagina. They hate that.
OI what is that guy doing with them big pokey murder sticks on his arms. Better arrest him.
the congonese get them drunk first then eat their ass.
what do you want that fucking nigger to do use a fucking toilet stall where he might get sucked off by a gay.
Kek, would not be surprised If larry Craig had been inside some Walz. tapping more than his foot if you get what I mean.
classic penis envy.
is a bride of frankenstein tattoo a little too spot on, like how egotistical to get a tat of yourself. What a weirdo.