no one has built a stone bridge in 100 years, there is no reason to start now with all this maldevolped fetal alcohol syndrome ciascalp gerbils ffrom a horrific human experiment
no one has built a stone bridge in 100 years, there is no reason to start now with all this maldevolped fetal alcohol syndrome ciascalp gerbils ffrom a horrific human experiment
we can just bench trial the big guys or is it straight into the bonfore ????
they are all made of steel moron
pc * 1214800000000000000incehs
lab rats in suits
fighting bots
how homely
if we ceremonial "popcorned" them in the old AA cu;t buildin tehy might turn into children
m (plural parsecs) (astronomy) parsec (a unit of length, about 3.26 lightyears
feudal feuding feuds byob
there is a dosciere on teh secret service i left on your desk
it;s moar new serial killer memes
these payops are so cliche huh
i wonder if we can fix that dulce deathstar gap with a bonfire and some IPA
damn it Q
when are u gonna post something redundant and benal for all these larpturkeys
>>@ebot what is 6 * 7= x
"peanuts or bpunching bags"~dulce
fight your own demons
how did that navy get them fancy new guillotines ?
A personality disorder indicated by a pattern of lying, exploitation, heedlessness, arrogance, sexual promiscuity, low self-control, and lack of empathy and remorse. Violent and criminal offenses may be indicative of this disorder.
and there is an egrogore of infanticide attempting to famewhore for payops
must /b teh harvard homos psych path y payops prol corsi failures
easster egg @ciascalps #muhfetalsare feels2 payops fucking lemmings omg
ghosts are usually pompous or egregious
like cia homos
wink wink
yasiin bey is a bad motherfucker
y does uganda have 800k mosquito deaths a year
y does fbi have 700k missing children reports per years
y does the united states firearm suicide number so fudged
not to sound melancholy
y does the VA hospitol have third party payer bs ??? for political striffe???
omg r u a deathcultfag too
y does teh sugar beets market not support teh soda pop industry