Are you THISJames Edmond Smith IVwho is threatening to commit suicide in this bred?
Are you THISJames Edmond Smith IVwho is threatening to commit suicide in this bred?
Is it the guy with the LinkedIn profile posted in this bred at >>21368776?
If he's been a security specialist for a Clown Show likeVISAthen it's no shock that the guy is mental, IMO.
If that's him, maybe someone can send a welfare check over to wherever he is.
I'm done with his posts and fixin' to filter him.
We're at war.
We don't come here to die.
We come here to fight, fight, fight.
Whether you're a FED or not, you're a disgraceful, cowardly pussy (as in pussilanimous . . . . Google it).
You were probably the fat kid who faked sickness on gym days at school so you didn't have to move around.
You've probably been fired from your job so you've gone home and cried about it, rather than pick yourself up and keep going.
If you were on a Naval ship, heading into battle, I'm pretty sure the other guys on board would either tie you up and lock you in a room or chuck you overboard.
You're a disgrace if you can't comprehend what's going on right now, even after having been gifted4,966 Q posts, between October 28, 2017, and November 27, 2022, plus God-only-knows how many other, additional posts that have been put on this board by Q and team, anonymously, during that period of time.
You're a disgrace.
Be glad this is not a kinetic war, because the disgusted soldiers in your proximity would probably have you hauled in for treason and/or sedition.
Asshole. . . .
Yeah but this was AFTER [THEY] tried to kill him, and [THEY] got him where [THEY] wanted him.