Anonymous ID: be0e69 Aug. 7, 2024, 3:10 p.m. No.21369250   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9256 >>9264 >>9285 >>9294 >>9620 >>9631 >>9655 >>9667 >>9691 >>9708 >>9717 >>9723 >>9742 >>9868 >>9887

What if I told you faggots that you were part of something bigger than you can possibly imagine? Bigger than your current understanding? Hundreds, thousands of years from now people will look back on this pivotal moment in human history and ponder at the nuanced interactions that they missed. As we look upon Plato and Socrates in their daily lives and wonder what that might have been like, you are living it now. What if each and every one of you faggots, niggers, homos and shills were equally important? Even the Freddy Bensonsons and Muhdicks and Muhjoos. No one else in human history will get to take place in the Great Awakening. Yet, here you are.

Make the most of it.