Anonymous ID: c5990d Aug. 7, 2024, 3:36 p.m. No.21369448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9471


One of the goals of antifa is to ferment this type of distrust

Q posted cryptically about it for years

Should a few spoil the bunch?

Q made it sound like yes, some agencies were beyond spoiled, we've been shown their corruption daily since 2015-2016 election. That is a faster pace than the Kennedy disclosure, and it covers just about every topic


Police are required in any society, people in uniforms. Why does it always seem to be uniform vs uniform or people vs uniforms


Anyway, color revolutions require total displacement of good law enforcement, then the uniforms can genocide and gestapo freely until they are bored, revolution, internal conflict, war, murdered, jailed/arrested/killed by a guile and honest/good law who are bad men when they need to be