We ALL need to be over on the "Petitions" research board and on https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/.
GEOTUS told us in the memo, and again, he HAS to stay above the political fray, he is our lightning rod, he takes the slings and arrows, but WE must show up in numbers as NEVER before, behind Spearheads cover. The time is now.
This is what (((they))) prey on. We turned our backs and got hijacked, and now we are slaves on our own shores, slaves that were too busy sucking babylons infected goat cock to stop and actually fix the world. Well that aint us. And it can NEVER be again.
A chain, or team, or a Republic will ONLY be as strong as it's weakest link. And these fuckers (give the devil their due) had the WHOLE thing on lock, from the mom and pop stores at the mall to the fucking WHITE HOUSE.
Q has led us here, and I KNOW what the NEXT move is, and it is perfect, as always. We are now to begin running parallel operations. You hardcore anons are in here, BUT we need to show the WORLD, including POTUS (Yes, he IS watching for this) and a few other distinguished guests, including our enemies, that we WILL show up, TOGETHER, and take back our nation. But will we?? Sometimes it's easier to get a man to kill for what he believes than to sign his name to a piece of paper in order to display his confidence in the power of numbers. And I know that all the other petition sites have been shit, but this is POTUS, and what does he want so badly to give back to us?? The solutions, as they always are, are VERY SIMPLE. Not easy maybe, but simple. Remember that.
Drive on Anons. #WHPetition #DemandMore