"Up is Down"
"Left is Right"
"Up is Down"
"Left is Right"
I found this string in the border of the graphic. Has an obvious imprint on the background. I've put it in original format, cleaned up, and in musical lines. My eyes aren't working anymore so time to get some sleep, hopefully you guys can do something with it. (already checked National Anthem)
I'm wondering if Key9 has to do with this string. It is extracted from the same photo, with Independence Hall in the background. expand the sequence to in between lines and should fit in the 9 spaces CDEFGABCD
https:// en .wikipedia.org/wiki/Push%E2%80%93relabel_maximum_flow_algorithm
Worth checking out
Next one not so sure about but it came up too..
"According to conspiracy theorists, in 1991, record label CEOs and very wealthy "decision makers" met behind closed doors to invent and actively push Gangster Rap onto the American public. The goal, allegedly, was to promote selling drugs and street violence through music to fill privately-owned corporate prisons. An anonymous letter sent to HipHopIsRead.com detailed a music industry insider's part in this conspiracy theory."
http:// me ntalfloss.com/article/60398/10-unbelievable-music-conspiracy-theories>>246371
does the image need inspection?
I've seen it referenced to comey