This is The BEST. In CAse you wonder why Tor up Tor is so hard to pin down, as far as her Names, try this…..What venue is proper for this exercise in legal frivolity?
The answer is the Middle District of Tennessee. Obviously! Because, uhhh, Williamson County buys equipment from Dominion Voting Systems.
Which is how IRL lawyer Russell Newman wound up docketing this clunker in Nashville on behalf of his client Terpsehore Maras, aka Terpsichore Maras, aka Terpsichore Maria Helen Lindeman, aka Terpischore Lindeman, aka Terpsichor Maras-Lindeman, aka Terpsichore Maras-Lindeman, aka Terpsichor Maras, aka Terpsichore P Lindeman, aka Terpsechore Maras-Lindeman, aka Tore Maras-Lindeman, aka Terpsichor Lindeman, aka Terpsechore Maras-Lindeman, aka Terpsehore P Maras-Lindeman, aka Terpsehore Pete Maras-Lindeman, aka Terpsehore Maras-Lindeman.
If that seems like a fair few aliases, it’s because the Plaintiff appears to have a history of making representations about herself which might not stand up to a correctly-spelled Google search. According to the State of North Dakota, which compiled the above roll call, the Plaintiff violated the state’s consumer fraud protection laws by setting up multiple supposedly charitable fundraisers without disbursing the proceeds to the intended recipients. She also claimed to have served in the military for 22 years, during which she was supposedly awarded a Purple Heart. In fact, Defendant washed out of the Navy after eight months, as reported by the Washington Post. Nor had she received any advanced degree, as multiple websites including her own Linked In profile attested.