Anonymous ID: 928b6f Aug. 8, 2024, 5:18 a.m. No.21372332   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

A Marriage made in Heaven


The Reichskonkordat ("Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich"[1]) is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany.

It was signed on 20 July 1933 by Cardinal Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli, who later became Pope Pius XII, on behalf of Pope Pius XI and Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen on behalf of President Paul von Hindenburg and the German government.

It was ratified 10 September 1933 and it has been in force from that date onward. The treaty guarantees the rights of the Catholic Church in Germany.

When bishops take office Article 16 states they are required to take an oath of loyalty to the Governor or President of the German Reich established according to the constitution.

The treaty also requires all clergy to abstain from working in and for political parties.

Nazi breaches of the agreement began almost as soon as it had been signed and intensified afterwards leading to protest from the Church including in the 1937 Mit brennender Sorge encyclical of Pope Pius XI.

The Nazis planned to eliminate the Church's influence by restricting its organizations to purely religious activities.[2]


The Reichskonkordat is the most controversial of several concordats that the Vatican negotiated during the pontificate of Pius XI.

It is frequently discussed in works that deal with the rise of Hitler in the early 1930s and the Holocaust.

The concordat has been described by some as giving moral legitimacy to the Nazi regime soon after Hitler had acquired quasi-dictatorial powers through the Enabling Act of 1933, an Act itself facilitated through the support of the Catholic Centre Party.


The treaty places constraints on the political activity of German clergy of the Catholic Church. Following the passage of the 1935 Nuremberg Laws for example, a policy of nonintervention was followed.

The majority of the German church hierarchy regarded the treaty as a symbol of peace between church and state.[3]

From a Catholic church perspective it has been argued that the Concordat prevented even greater evils being unleashed against the Church.[4]

Though some German bishops were unenthusiastic, and the Allies at the end of World War II felt it inappropriate, Pope Pius XII successfully argued to keep the concordat in force.

It is still in force today.


Concordat Between the Holy See and the German Reich

July 20, 1933

His Holiness Pope Pius XI and the President of the German Reich, moved by a common desire to consolidate and enhance the friendly relations existing between the Holy See and the German Reich,

wish to regulate the relations between the Catholic Church and the State for the whole territory of the German Reich in a permanent manner and on a basis acceptable to both parties.

They have decided to conclude a solemn agreement, which will supplement the Concordats already concluded with certain individual German states, and will ensure for the remaining States fundamentally uniform treatment of their respective problems.


For this purpose:

His Holiness Pope Pius XI has appointed as his Plenipotentiary His Eminence the Most Reverend Lord Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, his Secretary of State.


The President of the German Reich has appointed as Plenipotentiary the Vice-Chancellor of the German Reich, Herr Franz von Papen.

Anonymous ID: 928b6f Aug. 8, 2024, 5:18 a.m. No.21372334   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

SCOTUS refuses to delay Trump hush money sentencing | LiveNOW from FOX

LiveNOW from FOX 160,683 views Aug 5, 2024

The Supreme Court on Monday turned down a plea from Missouri to block New York from imposing a gag order and sentencing former President Donald Trump in his criminal proceedings there until after the 2024 election. Trump was found guilty in May of falsifying business records to cover up a $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels in exchange for her silence before the 2016 U.S. election about a sexual encounter she has said she had with Trump years earlier. Prosecutors have said the payment was designed help Trump's chances in the 2016 election, when he defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton. Trump, the Republican candidate in this year's election, denies having had sex with Daniels and has vowed to appeal his conviction after his sentencing, scheduled for September.


Supreme Court turns away Missouriā€™s long-shot attempt at halting Trumpā€™s criminal sentencing

by Zach Schonfeld - 08/05/24 3:33 PM ET


Supreme Court rejects Missouriā€™s request to block Trumpā€™s New York gag order, sentencing

By Amy Howe

on Aug 5, 2024 at 5:03 pm


Supreme Court rejects bid to block Trump's sentencing in New York hush money case

The Supreme Court has rejected a lawsuit brought by Missouri's attorney general that attempted to block former President Trump's sentencing and gag order in the New York hush money case.

Aug. 5, 2024


Supreme Court rejects Missouri's bid to halt Trumpā€™s sentencing in N.Y. hush money case

August 5, 2024 3:46 PM ET


Supreme Court wonā€™t delay Donald Trump sentencing

Sky News Australia Aug 5, 2024

The US Supreme Court has ruled it wonā€™t delay the sentencing decision in Donald Trumpā€™s hush money trial.

The court rejected the state of Missouriā€™s bid to halt the outcome of the former presidentā€™s conviction until after the presidential election in November.

Mr Trump is vowing to appeal his conviction after sentencing, which is scheduled for September.

Anonymous ID: 928b6f Aug. 8, 2024, 5:18 a.m. No.21372335   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Chief Justice John Roberts Appointed Every Judge on the FISA Court

Is that too much power for one person?




How the Vatican controls the U.S. Supreme Court


Who is Leonard Leo?keywords/names King Maker > Sovereign Military Order ofMalta> Federalist Society > Clarence Thomas > Steven Calabresi > Steve Bannon > Liberty Central > Virginia Thomas > the Catholic Association >

Charles Koch and Rebekah Mercer BH Group > CRC Advisors > The 85 > Concord Fund > United States Commission on International Religious Freedom > National Catholic Prayer Breakfast > Kellyanne Conway >

Judicial Education Project >Virginia Thomas Brent Bozell > Media Research Center > Ralph Reed > Faith and Freedom Coalition > Brooks Brothers, check out that Logo


John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States.

Nominated as Chief Justice of the United States byPresident George W. Bush, he assumed that office on September 29, 2005.

Trump on Roberts July 5th 2012 "John Roberts arrived inMaltaToday. Maybe we will get lucky and he will stay there."


Leonard Leo appears to control John Roberts and both appear to be Knights of Malta.

For those who like to claim that the Vatican does not control the "Sovereign Military Order of Malta"ā€¦

Pope dissolves Knights of Malta leadership, issues new constitutionSeptember 3, 2022


Who is Harlan Crow?keywords/names Member Bohemian Grove > Bohemian Club > Collects Nazi memorabilia because he hates Fascism so much > Clarence Thomas > Gifts > Vacations > George Bush

Trammell Crow Company Crow Holdings > Club for Growth > American Enterprise Institute > No Labels > St. Kitts and Nevis

Brother Trammel Crow



Clarence ThomasU.S. Supreme Court Justice.

Thomas was nominated byPresident George H. W. Bushto succeed Thurgood Marshall.

Thomas as well as other Supreme Court Justices have been receiving "financial support" from Harlan Crow, Leonard Leo, Paul Singer and a slew of other deep state operatives and this is now becoming public knowledge.


Harlan Crow appears to control Clarence Thomas and both appear to be Members of the Bohemian Club.

'''Clarence Thomas Leonard Leo > Harlan Crow is the News Now.'''

Anonymous ID: 928b6f Aug. 8, 2024, 5:19 a.m. No.21372336   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Friends of the Court

SCOTUS Justicesā€™ Beneficial Relationships With Billionaire Donors

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomasā€™ decadeslong friendship with real estate tycoon Harlan Crow and Samuel Alitoā€™s luxury travel with billionaire Paul Singer have raised questions about influence and ethics at the nation's highest court.


We Donā€™t Talk About Leonard

The conservative legal movement in the United States is more powerful than ever. One largely unknown man has played a significant role in pushing the American judiciary to the right: Leonard Leo.


House Chairs Take Aim at DC Over Probe Into GOP Activist Monday, 30 October 2023

"Worse yet, the Committees are troubled that your investigation could infringe upon the fundamental rights of donor privacy and free association," Jordan and Comer wrote.


ā€˜Improper and Politically Motivatedā€™: Jordan, Comer Question D.C. Investigation into Conservative Donor, Nonprofits October 30, 2023


Leonard Leo investigation led by DC attorney general may be 'improper': GOP chairmen October 30, 2023


House Republicans launch inquiry into D.C. AG's investigation of Leonard Leo October 30, 2023

"Worse yet, the Committees are troubled that your investigation could infringe upon the fundamental rights of donor privacy and free association," Jordan and Comer wrote.


Leonard Leoā€™s Decades of Corruption Driving the News October 27, 2023

Anonymous ID: 928b6f Aug. 8, 2024, 5:19 a.m. No.21372337   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Who is Leonard Leo?keywords/names King Maker > Sovereign Military Order ofMalta> Federalist Society > Clarence Thomas > Steven Calabresi > Steve Bannon > Liberty Central > Virginia Thomas > the Catholic Association >

Charles Koch and Rebekah Mercer BH Group > CRC Advisors > The 85 > Concord Fund > United States Commission on International Religious Freedom > National Catholic Prayer Breakfast > Kellyanne Conway >

Judicial Education Project >Virginia Thomas Brent Bozell > Media Research Center > Ralph Reed > Faith and Freedom Coalition > Brooks Brothers, check out that Logo


John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States.

Nominated as Chief Justice of the United States byPresident George W. Bush, he assumed that office on September 29, 2005.

Trump on Roberts July 5th 2012 "John Roberts arrived inMaltaToday. Maybe we will get lucky and he will stay there."


Chief Justice John Roberts Appointed Every Judge on the FISA Court

Is that too much power for one person?




Pope dissolves Knights of Malta leadership, issues new constitutionSeptember 3, 2022


Who is Harlan Crow?keywords/names Member Bohemian Grove > Bohemian Club > Collects Nazi memorabilia because he hates Fascism so much > Clarence Thomas > Gifts > Vacations > George Bush

Trammell Crow Company Crow Holdings > Club for Growth > American Enterprise Institute > No Labels > St. Kitts and Nevis

Brother Trammel Crow


Clarence ThomasU.S. Supreme Court Justice.

Thomas was nominated byPresident George H. W. Bushto succeed Thurgood Marshall.

Thomas as well as other Supreme Court Justices have been recieving "financial support" from Harlan Crow, Leonard Leo, Paul Singer and a slew of other deep state operatives and this is now becoming public knowledge.


'''Clarence Thomas Leonard Leo > Harlan Crow is the News Now.'''

Anonymous ID: 928b6f Aug. 8, 2024, 5:19 a.m. No.21372339   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Who is Leonard Leo?keywords/names King Maker > Sovereign Military Order ofMalta> Federalist Society > Clarence Thomas > Steven Calabresi > Steve Bannon > Liberty Central > Virginia Thomas > the Catholic Association >

Charles Koch and Rebekah Mercer BH Group > CRC Advisors > The 85 > Concord Fund > United States Commission on International Religious Freedom > National Catholic Prayer Breakfast > Kellyanne Conway >

Judicial Education Project >Virginia Thomas Brent Bozell > Media Research Center > Ralph Reed > Faith and Freedom Coalition > Brooks Brothers, check out that Logo


John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States.

Nominated as Chief Justice of the United States byPresident George W. Bush, he assumed that office on September 29, 2005.

Trump on Roberts July 5th 2012 "John Roberts arrived inMaltaToday. Maybe we will get lucky and he will stay there."


Chief Justice John Roberts Appointed Every Judge on the FISA Court

Is that too much power for one person?


John Roberts appoints judges to more than the fisa courtAug 08 2013


Q DROP #144

What council do the WIZARDS & Warlocks control?




Photo of the day: Roberts in Malta07/03/2012

Chief Justice John Roberts outside the University of Malta | AP Photo

An Associated Press photographer finds Chief Justice John Roberts in Malta ā€” where he's spending some time after the monumental health care case that saw him side with the four liberal justices in upholding President Obama's health care law.


Chief Justice Roberts Jokes He's Headed To 'An Impregnable Fortress'June 29, 2012


The Supreme Court: Not Such an Impregnable Fortress Anymore?July 16, 2012

John Roberts escapes controversy but not the leaks.


The inside story of how John Roberts negotiated to save ObamacareBy Joan Biskupic, CNN legal analyst & Supreme Court biographer March 25, 2019

Donald Trump, three years from launching his presidential run, went right to Twitter: ā€œWow, the Supreme Court passed @ObamaCare. I guess Justice Roberts wanted to be part of Georgetown society more than anyone knew.ā€

Trump later added: ā€œJohn Roberts arrived in Malta yesterday. Maybe we will get lucky and he will stay there.ā€


Wow, the Supreme Court passed @ObamaCare. I guess @JusticeRoberts wanted to be a part ofGeorgetown societymore than anyone knew.

ā€” Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2012


John Roberts arrived inMaltayesterday. Maybe we will get lucky and he will stay there.

ā€” Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 5, 2012

Anonymous ID: 928b6f Aug. 8, 2024, 5:19 a.m. No.21372342   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

The Supreme Court is Deep State?

You gotta be kidding anon?!

John Roberts Knight of Maltaā€¦ its a secretā€¦POTUS knowsā€¦

Leonard Leo Knight of Malta? Supreme Court "King Maker"? Q knowsā€¦

Clarence Thomas and Alito controlled by a Billionaire Bohemian Grove member who collects Nazi Memorabilia?

You don't know?



No wait waitā€¦

Who controls the Knights of Malta?

You know the "SOVEREIGN" order of the Knights of Malta?

Whoever that is more than likely controls the Supreme Court OR do you SOMEHOW see it some other way, Patriot?


You knowā€¦ The SOVEREIGN order is SOVEREIGN so nothing to connect The Order to, right, Karen?


Pope Francis takes control of the Order of Malta

The pope has promulgated a new constitution for the Order of Malta and replaced its leaders, hoping to stop infighting and bring about a reform that some members are contesting. Vatican City September 5, 2022


Pope dissolves Knights of Malta leadership, issues new constitution September 3, 2022


Pope Francis overhauls Order of Malta September 3, 2022


How did Pope Francis change the Order of Malta? Rome Newsroom, Sep 6, 2022


Pope to Order of Malta: after the divisions, it is time for concord Jan 25, 2023

Pope Francis sends a message to the General Chapter of the Order of Malta, called to live in fidelity to the new Constitutional Charter.


Pope Francis visits Malta, urges support for migrants April 2, 2022

Pope Francis took an elevator to board his flight to Malta to "avoid unnecessary strain."

The trip to Malta comes one day after he apologized to Canada's indigenous communities for abuses at residential schools there.