Watching him weather what he has, how they've gone after him, gives me the motivation to weather the minuscule and pathetically weak efforts of a bunch of sore loser shills spending the rest of the endgame focused on one insignificant individual and abandoning arguably the most powerful division narrative ever posted on the net, to try and get an emotional reaction out of one individual. They're trying to blend in right now as a matter of fact, but they're seen.
Failfag mimic. Filtered clown shill that runs an imitation routine because they're losing. It's okay, l'il guy. I could give you some pointers if you want your performance to be a little moar believable. I'm happy for you that using my mannerisms and memes keeps the despair away.
What honestly surprises me the most is how far it's spread and how many do it. I mean, okay. If it makes them happy then I'm just thankful that I could have been the source of that happiness or, in the case of the shills, temporary relief.
Parody all you want. I'm free to talk about the shills and what they're doing, though they've desperately been trying to turn the words used to describe them into negatives so no one uses them as of late, same with the memes. Even you, but you make me laugh.
Yeah. There's is mean spirited and if you take them at their word they actually did try destroying certain individuals' ability to post. Tried being the key word. He failed after bragging he's going to take them all on and destroy them, so he pivoted to a fraudulent piety angle and professes that every battle was necessary and his behavior towards other anons and staff was necessary. The coping method a narcissist would use for his evil behavior. War is peace, up is down, evil is benevolence.
They're doing their damnedest to muddy the clarity the normies are starting to go through. The gaslighting now is even worse than 2020 or 2016.
KEK. I remember him warning of his impending psychotic break. Dumbfuck shouldn't have spammed his shit, now he's trapped in a cartoon frog smoking a cigar.
Nah, he still lingers. That's okay though. I'm not done with him yet.
>but unfortunately the only thing they have left is physical violence and destruction
And then the people that really didn't want to get involved will stand up and fuck their shit up so bad it'll leave an impression upon humanity going forward. Or so I'd like to think.
Holy fuck, checking news channels in other countries and it's all Tatay Shizzlenuts. Distract distract distract. The lanky deep state tart. That's funny as fuck! "Follow the stars! Follow the stars!"
I see what you did there.
Yes, you are. Totally destroyed. Locked into a toddler imitation routine. Maybe you're a bot, you've displayed too much panic and histrionics over the past year and a half that suggests you're most likely not, as well as other bullshit claims.
You failed to destroy what you called famefags, and now you just imitate them, that's all you do. I see your bullshit now, moar than any merchant meme or dumbfuck copypasta the clown idiots posted over the last 6.5 years, those absolute fucking retards as they liked to call themselves because I'm sure they thought the irony of name of their Discord honey pot was clever. You're broken. The mind of a tranny, trying to be something you're not and thinking you are just because you imitate him.
Nothing left but delusional performative mental illness. I truly do feel sorry for him. It's tragic what he decided to do to himself. He chose his lot though, and he's dying on the hill of imitating an anonymous nobody. Mimicking like a child. See, because I posted the "All their personas, all their VPNs" meme of the parent Pepe reading to the child pepe, he's posting child pepes in bed repeatedly. Simple as fuck and easily herded now it seems.
Simple Legion! KEK! Some other Anon came up with that one and just remembered it. That's what I'll call him instead of mimic. Pig calls him Angry Inch. I'll call him Simple Legion from now on. He can be SL and that even comes before SP. KEK!
Of course. Simple legion finds new memes from mostly one individual and likes to post them immediately after the person he's been copying for the past year and a half does. He likes doing that. He thinks it'll work to provoke a choleric temper. He's stupid as fuck and devolving further every day. He's doing that all on his own.
And SP could mean Saint Peter, what's your point, Simple Legion?