If you want to find out what the college temperature is as leftist professors and grad students design social justice curriculums, sign up to participate in Harvard Digital Lab for the Social Sciences research studies. Every so often you'll get a paper of research questions in your email, and asked to answer them so that public opinions and perceptions can be gauged. There's no compensation, and really no impetus to do it, except it shows you clearly where the educational compass is pointing.
Over the years, I've watched these studies go from left-leaning to crazy. This months paper aimed to identify possible ways to get Americans to stop eating meat, and reduce their meat consumption to bring them in line with the new USDA recommendations on how much meat to eat. Participants were asked on how much they would agree with the following steps: aim to eliminate small family farms, regulate large corporate farms, increase marketing of vegan options, or increase production of cell-cultured meat. There was no option to 'ignore the arbitrary reduction of the USDA as not remotely relevant." nor one to 'promote the eating of meat as that one fact made humans smart and we should continue the affect."
Only left-based answers were possible.
It was a beautiful 'wrap up smear' over meat consumption. You first seed the talking point: USDA REDUCES RECOMMENDED AMOUNT OF MEAT. Then you propagandize it, then you make new rules based on the made up talking point. The research papers that use the answers of this research study, will come out next year. And the US government will POINT to the research paper as having the answers to American over-consumption.
"This research paper published last year by PHD Shanona Coburg and Ali Bendover shows we should increase production of cell-cultured meat while we reduce family farms."
Its every time and more predictable to look down the road to see what's coming than watching the Simpsons.
Go ahead and look at what Harvard profs and grad students are pushing these days.