Anonymous ID: af5da2 July 12, 2018, 8:47 p.m. No.2137842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7879 >>7951 >>7959 >>8120

>>2137578 (pbs)

>What about those news stories you hear from time to time where someone is arrested for something and like 6 gorillian GB of child porn are found on their harddrives? Always thought that was a way for the cops to frame someone. What if that was the cops (FBI) capturing someone who had a copy of the insurance file?


This happens. Scientologists are professionals at this maneuver.



Ya'll are fucking easy to mess with. FUCKING desperate for any crumb that will fill that grey space.


A video on an anon HD...KEK...because that will be believed..but then you folks seem to believe almost anything as long as it cheers your narrative.


that's one thing I've been really thinking about since the SCOTUS selection....someone posts OMG more black babies aborted than born alive in if that's a bad thing. Some of you don't have two brain cells to rub together.


In fact I've seriously been thinking about this. How there is a "sacred us" and evil them...a divide, useful as it is created, manipulated and fed by the genius that is Q. As long as you all think you're going to get what you want (a return to the middle ages) you'll do whatever is asked of you. I saw it clear as day when (((YOU))) didn't get your SCOTUS Catholic pick.


Here's the bad news for you. Roe v. Wade is never going away. Ever. The more you retards push that the more and more moderates, Libertarians, and independents like me get sick to our stomachs. People are indeed walking away from the Democrats, but don't be so arrogant and foolish to think they're walking to YOU (back in the middle ages). The rhetoric on here on SCOTUS night made me want to vomit. Pathetic backwards ignorant..and smelly. Trust me the more retarded shit I see on here by the "he's gonna save us" Q said pray..the more and more I want to run away. Because your emotions are being manipulated..for the greater good, that's true, but for how long will this stay on the "right side" of things.


MUH division fag. No...division is here on this board every single second...MY WAY..MY religion, MY beliefs. Well folks I don't believe in your sky fairy, your ignorant backwards blind religions and I am certainly not fooled by the use of those sentiments and the optics of ANY leader.


GEOTUS is amazing, he is just what this country needs, but if you think, for one second that he's going to risk tearing this country apart again by pushing the repeal of RvW you need to grow a brian MORANS. And the more and more I see of you sanctimonious religitards the more and more I am THANKFUL that I walked away. Evil in the name of good..willing to return to the days of demonizing women and letting men walk away scott free..because that's what you want. WILLING to have the government order you NOT to do something to YOUR body...and completely unable to wrap your pathetic small brains around..what a government can order you not to do to your body, they just as well can order you TO do it. SEE CHINA.


DO unto others...mind your own fucking business. I am not going backwards...and in conversations I've had these last weeks with others who love TRUMP but hate the rhetoric from the WE'RE RELIGIOUS RIGHT...if he embraces that he'll loose 2020. I can promise you that. I would rather vote for Hillary and import a million fucking Mexicans than tolerate your religious bullshit.


This country is made up of millions of people, each with different thoughts and feelings. ONE LAW to rule them all...and you don't get to make it.


Walk away from Trump in your pathos of muh abortions...without even considering for one second what the net results of no abortions (especially in the black community that refuses to close legs and use condoms) is to society as a whole. I would rather pay 300 bucks of my tax dollars for a sheboon to get an abortion, than support that mother and her endless pickanannies for 18 more years. MUH we'll train them to want do not even know black culture..african culture..please, find me ANY African culture that has strong two parent families. Black people play at white culture, some who have interbred hold different genetic memories, but for the most part you are never going to take the Africa out of a sheboon.


MUH division fag..nope..truthfag.


SO unite behind our amazing president to end corruption and drain the swamp, but the second you religious retards start SHOVING your beliefs down the throats of others via law, you will lose.



Anonymous ID: af5da2 July 12, 2018, 8:55 p.m. No.2137930   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Sounds like the purse was planted to confuse investigators about which floor she was on when she got dumped into the chute.

sounds like you can't read. she is on video leaving her purse behind in the elevator then stepping out of camera view.


LRN2READ stop talking.

Anonymous ID: af5da2 July 12, 2018, 9 p.m. No.2137970   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>That was a trick of the cabal all along.

MOAR retard is MOAR. Nope. The only thing anyone has any control over is themselves. Retards seem to love a nice boogyman. Satan, Cabal, mothman…anything but the the fucking evil within. ALL things in balance with themselves contain both light and dark. The ridiculous idea that you can banish evil without also banishing the light is so backwards masquerading as "enlightenment." Enjoy the purge. The mother only holds her peace for so long, then like clockwork, she lets you have it.



Anonymous ID: af5da2 July 12, 2018, 9:01 p.m. No.2137987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8010


>Someone just trolled this whole fucking city….

how is that trolling? Someone with more money than brains and someone who is firmly rooted in sky fairy mythology just flew a balloon announcing that fact to everyone.


John Frum.

Anonymous ID: af5da2 July 12, 2018, 9:04 p.m. No.2138016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8025 >>8119


>>The good guys have a video they want to share with anon, or that they want anon to find

>>The video is a Holy Chalice (HC - Hillary Clinton?)

>>Like raiders of the lost ark, once the HC is opened, things will change forever.

>>Tied to a post? (a chan post?)


HOLY FUCKING SHIT you retards are being trolled and are too stupid to realize it because you are desperate, desperate people do seriously stupid things…like being tricked into spreading a video.



Anonymous ID: af5da2 July 12, 2018, 9:06 p.m. No.2138027   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>If you could send the MKultra fucks back with guns this time it would make it MUCH easier on me

sorry lad…retards gonna tard. Useful idiots…

Anonymous ID: af5da2 July 12, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.2138045   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>i think the trolls might be trolling one another

I hope so, but how long before one of the retards starts spreading it on twatter..we tried to tell them frazzelerip was fake did they listen?


NOPE, they just kept spreading it.


GEOTUS is above all this and thankfully he's got world wide attention and people know he's not stupid…but this shit absolutely firms things up..there's not much difference between the screamers, the only difference is in what they're screaming about.

Anonymous ID: af5da2 July 12, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.2138064   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>we know exactly what you are



well we can start with smarter than you. But..perhaps we can import the inquisition and they can ask me on the rack.

Anonymous ID: af5da2 July 12, 2018, 9:12 p.m. No.2138079   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Says it all.

hopefully you heard me. MILLIONS of people like me, millions, in fact, we are why DJT is GEOTUS right this moment. So before you go firing up the ovens and start pushing your religious shit on us…maybe you should just listen and mind your own business. THAT would be nice.