Needs digs
You don’t sound like a happy warrior to me..
Can someone do a voice overlay with the old Mr Ed talking horse shoe
His comment at 2:30 in interesting, imho
Interesting video
Donald Trump through the years.
He should be holding a horse’s dick in his arms
You got the blank so we can make a meme that works?
They don’t ever debunk the claim
They claim that this ‘rumor’ was started by Vance people as payback for Walz couch slur.
They don’t debunk anything.
If fact, they make a bogus claim and spread falsehoods that Vance started this.
Do you know how much animal cruelty goes into tying a horse up to get his semen?
Who would torture a horse like that..
A creepy guy like Walz
This is probably true
It’s only a matter of time.
Then Trump gets who he really wants….Shapiro
notable. Black test for Kamala
These people are so stupid