Anonymous ID: 33d65b Aug. 8, 2024, 6:34 p.m. No.21376676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7041 >>7115 >>7223 >>7246 >>7359 >>7412

Over 3,000% Hike in Illegal Aliens on Terror Watchlist, DHS Frees Dozens in U.S., Judges Grant Bail


Under Vice President Kamala Harris’s laughable tenure as the Biden administration’s border czar a record number of illegal immigrants on the terrorist watchlist have entered the United States through the southwest border and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), created after 9/11 to protect the country from another terrorist attack, has released at least 99 into American communities. That is not all. Immigration judges have granted bail to at least 27 illegal aliens on the terrorist watchlist, asylum to at least four and terminated the cases of two known or suspected terrorists, according to startling government figures embedded in a congressional report released this week.


The data, which covers three-and-a-half years of the Biden administration, illustrates that the damage produced by its flagrant open border policies is even worse than previously imagined and the derelict measures have clearly generated serious national security issues. During the Biden-Harris tenure an astounding 5.4 million illegal immigrants have been released into the United States with an additional 2 million known “gotaways” escaping into the country, the report, published by the House Judiciary Committee, reveals. “Among those more than 7.3 million illegal aliens are 375 illegal aliens on the U.S. government’s terrorist watchlist who have been apprehended by Border Patrol under President Biden’s and Vice President Harris’s watch,” the document reads. “That is a more than 3,000 percent increase of watchlisted alien encounters compared to all four years of the Trump Administration.”


The illegal immigrants on the terrorist watchlist encountered by Border Patrol between fiscal years 2021 and 2023 come from 36 different countries, including nations with an active terrorist presence such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Yemen. The probe found that so far in fiscal year 2024, which ends in September, federal agents along the Mexican border have encountered tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from countries that could present national security risks, including 2,134 Afghan nationals, 33,347 Chinese, 541 Iranians, 520 Syrians and 3,104 Uzbeks. Just weeks ago, federal authorities released into the country three of eight Tajik nationals with potential ties to the terrorist group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) after using the Biden administration’s fraud-infested CBP One phone application to schedule appointments at ports of entry. Four were caught by federal agents while crossing the border and one arrived at a port of entry without scheduling an appointment through the app.

Anonymous ID: 33d65b Aug. 8, 2024, 6:45 p.m. No.21376738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6861 >>7041 >>7115 >>7223 >>7246 >>7359 >>7412

Arizona Judge Declares Key Portions of 2024 Election Manual Unconstitutional, Siding with Election Integrity Advocates


In a landmark ruling on Monday, an Arizona judge declared that portions of the Democrat Secretary of State’s Election Procedure Manual (EPM) for the upcoming 2024 elections are unconstitutional.


This decision comes as a significant victory for conservative groups and election integrity activists who have long argued that the manual suppresses their ability to speak out against voter fraud.


The case was brought forth by the Arizona Free Enterprise Club, along with individual plaintiffs including Philip Townsend and the America First Policy Institute.


They contended that the EPM imposed overly broad and vague restrictions on speech, particularly targeting those who raise concerns about election integrity.


The court’s ruling, issued by Judge Jennifer Ryan-Touhill, specifically targets Chapter 9 of the EPM, which outlined rules meant to preserve order and security at voting locations.


The plaintiffs contended that these rules, which included prohibitions on “harassment” and “intimidation” within and outside of polling locations, were vague and overly broad. They argued that such restrictions could be weaponized to silence voters and activists who sought to expose potential election fraud.


Judge Ryan-Touhill agreed with the plaintiffs, stating that the language in the EPM was not only too vague but also expanded criminal liability in a way that could infringe upon free speech rights guaranteed by the Arizona Constitution.


The judge highlighted that many of the prohibited actions, such as raising one’s voice or using “offensive language,” are protected forms of expression. The ruling emphasized that the government’s interest in maintaining order at polling places does not justify the suppression of free speech.


According to the ruling reviewed by The Gateway Pundit:


The Court is troubled by section III, “preserving order and security at the voting location.” From pages 180 to 183, the EPM contains what this Court finds to be speech restrictions in violation of our Arizona Constitution, misstates or modifies our statutes, and fails to identify any distinction between guidance and legal mandates. The Court will highlight those portions of chapter 9 it finds troubling, impermissible or, in context, authorizes impermissible limitations on the public:


• [N]o electioneering may take place outside the 75-foot limit if it is audible from a location inside the door to the voting location.


• Any activity by a person with the intent or effect of [ ] harassing, [ ] (or conspiring with others to do so) inside or outside the 75-foot limit at a voting location is prohibited.


• The officer in charge of elections has a responsibility to train poll workers and establish policies to prevent and promptly remedy any instances of voter intimidation.


• The officer in charge of elections should publicize and/or implement the following guidelines as applicable:


• The inspector must utilize the marshal to preserve order and remove disruptive persons from the voting location.


• Openly carrying a firearm outside the 75-foot limit may also constitute unlawful voter intimidation, depending on the context.


• Aggressive behavior, such as raising one’s voice or taunting a voter or poll worker.


• Using [ ] insulting [ ] or offensive language to a voter or poll worker.


• Disrupting voting lines.


• Following voters or poll workers coming to or leaving a voting location, including to or from their vehicles.


• Intentionally disseminating false or misleading information at a voting location. . . .


• Directly confronting, questioning, photographing, or videotaping voters or poll workers in a harassing [ ] manner, including when the voter or poll worker is coming to or leaving the polling location.


• Asking voters for “documentation” or other questions that only poll workers should perform.


• Raising repeated frivolous voter challenges to poll workers without any good faith basis, or raising voter challenges based on race, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion or disability.


• Posting signs or communicating messages about penalties for “voter fraud” in a harassing or intimidating manner.




IT IS ORDERED declaring chapter 9, section (III)(A)-(D) of the 2023 EPM unenforceable.

Anonymous ID: 33d65b Aug. 8, 2024, 7:57 p.m. No.21377200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7223 >>7246 >>7359 >>7412

Nevada Agrees to Clean Up 90K Voters from Election Rolls


'Election integrity starts with clean voter rolls…'


Nevada has agreed to purge over 90,000 ineligible voters from its rolls following a legal battle with the Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign, according to a press statement from the Nevada GOP.


The purge will focus on Clark County, which includes Las Vegas, and will remove individuals no longer active under state law, the Wednesday statement alleged,


RNC Chair Michael Whatley praised the decision as a significant step for voter security. “Election integrity starts with clean voter rolls, and that’s why we’ve brought litigation in key states to compel outcomes just like this,” he tweeted.


The Nevada GOP’s Executive Board also expressed satisfaction with the voter roll cleanup in a press statement.


“We are incredibly pleased with the recent voter roll clean-up in Clark County. Our team has worked tirelessly to ensure a fair and free election this November,” the board stated.

Anonymous ID: 33d65b Aug. 8, 2024, 8:22 p.m. No.21377348   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hunter Biden was paid in US ‘influence’ plot – prosecutors


The US president’s son accepted money from a Romanian businessman facing corruption charges, according to prosecutors


Federal prosecutors in the criminal tax case against Hunter Biden have accused him of accepting payments from a Romanian businessman who allegedly sought to “influence US government agencies.”


According to a filing made by the Justice Department on Wednesday in a Los Angeles federal court, a Romanian national hired Biden for legal work in 2015. His father Joe Biden was vice-president under then-President Barack Obama at the time.


The filing reportedly did not name the Romanian businessman but only identified him by his initials as “G.P.”


US media outlets have identified him as Gabriel Popoviciu, who was facing corruption charges in Romania at the time. The businessman was sentenced to seven years in prison in 2017 after being convicted of real-estate fraud. He denied any wrongdoing.


In the Wednesday filing, prosecutors said they had evidence that Hunter Biden and an associate had “received compensation from a foreign principal who was attempting to influence US policy and public opinion” and to end the local investigation against him in Romania.


According to prosecutors, Biden and his associate “were concerned that lobbying work might cause political ramifications for the defendant’s father” Joe Biden and acted to cover up the “true nature” of the work.


Hunter Biden and two associates split over $3 million in payments from Popoviciu, prosecutors say.


According to the Associated Press, Biden’s lawyers said in court papers that the president’s son is “the target of politically motivated attacks and conspiracy theories” about his foreign business dealings, and pointed to the fact that he has not been charged with any crime related to the allegations and the Special Counsel “should thus be precluded from even raising such issues at trial.”


The latest accusations form part of a broader case against the younger Biden, who was charged last year with evading $1.4 million in taxes between 2016 and 2019 and using the money to live an “extravagant lifestyle.” Biden has pleaded not guilty to the charges.


The trial in the case is scheduled for September in California. Biden was earlier found guilty on three charges in a federal gun trial in Delaware. Prosecutors in that case argued that Joe Biden’s son lied on a mandatory gun-purchase form in 2018 by claiming he was not addicted to or illegally using drugs.


Hunter Biden could face up to 25 years behind bars. However, experts have predicted that as a first-time offender he is unlikely to receive such a harsh sentence and may avoid prison entirely.


The 54-year-old is the first son or daughter of a serving US head of state to have criminal charges brought against him.