Anonymous ID: a071cf Aug. 8, 2024, 7:08 p.m. No.21376874   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Is it Caturday yet?

Crown was the do or die trigger that showed us all the top leadership that continued and continue to push the fake news. That is why we continue to "debate" about it. There is no debating the known truth. The AP and Roiters(,<pun ) who puts out their news feed? Reporters. Who really puts their news out? C_A. Who really really puts out the news? PANIC button. Overdrive. Movie. Must be shown. 60/ 40. Mask/ plastic surgery. Green screens. Stage set take cut.. The whole world is a stage. Only way is the Militaries. Tribunals. God wins. He is inside each and every One of Us. Made in His image. Information. DNA. Protect your DNA.


Blackrock to buy dna database.

Same invesment firm in everything against those who just want to be left alone.

Place bloodlines into mrna?

Anonymous ID: a071cf Aug. 8, 2024, 7:33 p.m. No.21377035   🗄️.is 🔗kun





I see your confuse and raise you a truth.

Intent or not.

Naturalization vs born on us territory


Acquiring citizenship through a legal process, typically involving an application, background check, and oath of allegiance

Requires meeting specific eligibility criteria, such as age, residency, and good moral character

Can be granted to individuals born outside the United States, as well as those born in the US to non-citizen parents

Does not automatically confer citizenship; requires a formal process and documentation

Born on US Territory:

Acquiring citizenship by virtue of being born within the United States or its territories

Automatically confers citizenship, regardless of parents’ nationality or immigration status

Applies to individuals born in:

Contiguous states (e.g., Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands)

Non-contiguous territories (e.g., Alaska, Hawaii)

Insular areas (e.g., American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands)

Does not require a formal process or documentation; citizenship is granted at birth

Key Distinctions:

Automatic vs. Manual Process: Born on US territory confers citizenship automatically, while naturalization requires a formal application and approval process.

Eligibility: Naturalization has specific eligibility criteria, whereas being born on US territory does not.

Parental Nationality: Naturalization can be granted regardless of parents’ nationality, whereas being born on US territory automatically confers citizenship regardless of parents’ status.

Documentation: Naturalization requires documentation, such as a certificate of citizenship, whereas being born on US territory does not require additional documentation.

In summary, naturalization is a legal process for acquiring citizenship, whereas being born on US territory is an automatic grant of citizenship, regardless of parents’ nationality or immigration status.

Anonymous ID: a071cf Aug. 8, 2024, 8:25 p.m. No.21377367   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They are making their last standing efforts.

Who is going to watch DNC convention?

Will Joe get his job back?

Will Obama become First Fag?

Will Killdawg make a run?

Burntout Bro knowing it was stollen from him in '16?

Kumquat and Sea Biscuit's Bride are currently the best the left can muster.

Did I mention Newscum?

Party divided by relegion divisions.

Oh my!