Anonymous ID: df17bf Aug. 8, 2024, 8:49 p.m. No.21377503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7518

DAN SCAVINO, if you are listening, would be kewl at the debate if POTUS greeted Kamabla with a ‘namaste’ and a few other Hindi sayings (a la the Pocahontas treatment.)

Just sayin.

Anonymous ID: df17bf Aug. 8, 2024, 9:10 p.m. No.21377600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7628 >>7635 >>7647 >>7696



Q-VA = Quo Vadis?

Strangely seems apropo of Trump. Quo vadis? (Classical Latin: [kʷoː ˈwaːdɪs], Ecclesiastical Latin: [kwo ˈvadis]) is a Latin phrase meaning "Where are you going?" It is commonly translated, quoting the KJV translation of John 13:36, as "Whither goest thou?"


Domine, quo vadis? (1602) by Annibale Carracci

The phrase originates from the Christian tradition regarding Saint Peter's first words to the risen Christ during their encounter along the Appian Way. According to the apocryphal Acts of Peter (Vercelli Acts XXXV; late 2nd century AD),[1] as Peter flees from crucifixion in Rome at the hands of the government, and along the road outside the city, he meets the risen Jesus. In the Latin translation, Peter asks Jesus, "Quo vadis?" He replies, "Romam eo iterum crucifigī" ("I am going to Rome to be crucified again"). Peter then gains the courage to continue his ministry and returns to the city, where he is martyred by being crucified upside-down.[2] The Church of Domine Quo Vadis in Rome is built where the meeting between Peter and Jesus traditionally took place. The words "quo vadis" as a question also occur at least seven times in the Latin Vulgate.[3]

Meaning as used idiomatically


When used idiomatically, in ordinary day-to-day language, the phrase usually is spoken or written to inquire about someone's purpose, ambitions, or decisions in a particular situation. It may also be employed to encourage introspection or to express surprise or confusion regarding someone's actions or decisions. In general, this phrase prompts individuals to consider their direction and purpose [especially when questionable], urging them to reflect on their goals or to assess the consequences of their choices.

The reply of Jesus "Romam eo iterum crucifigī" is also used idiomatically in modern language to symbolize the return to something that is harmful or hurtful to oneself. (Reminded me of Trump going once more into the breach- for us)

Anonymous ID: df17bf Aug. 8, 2024, 9:40 p.m. No.21377711   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>oh i thought was for VA but i bet that was a hidden meaning

Am not presuming to declare that is what it is. My question mark, when I typed Q-VA = Quo Vadis?, was meant to say maybe? But I agree that hidden meanings exist and, maybe? Kinda dasting though. Another thing is that [24]hr clocks have a zero at the top too. Your comment about 8s as good luck is dasting if we thing of the [00] as the 24 hour position.