If the top 4 don't get sniped this election, we're looking at being on the hook roughly 200k/year for each of them in "retirement." Fucking ridiculous. They all came in, the same election cycle.
Tim Fool was never a "liberal center." He was whatever got him the most clicks at the time. He's another Cenk Uygur just more faggy and emotionally stable.
>Are all of them up for primary?
I know Black Dr Evil is running unopposed, so it's against whomever lands the Republican slot. Libertarian candidate is out of the question, 'cos those candidates are the ones the most votes are siphoned off of. If they can't pull enough from the Libertarian candidate to always keep them below 5%, they'll start siphoning off the Republican one.
I also think AOC is running against an opponent, as is Omar. Not sure about Tlaib, but the anti-Israel/anti-Zionist energy that is currently coursing through the American people will probably guarantee she's elected, unless the GOP pulls out an opponent that isn't establishment. She's in a "Dem Stronghold."
>Holocaust™ is fake and ghey
"Lolocaust," Anon. If you're going to mock them for their lies, go big and go hard, or go home.