Anonymous ID: 056735 Aug. 9, 2024, 3:56 p.m. No.21381853   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lurk just one other place for info, and they are all butthurt over POTUS calling out this Joe Rogan fellow. All anon knows about rogan is that he has a podcast, and (per POTUS' Truth) is involved with the UFC Fights somehow. Ring announcer? Only know this guy's podcasts are mentioned a lot. Well fuck him, and the horse he came in on. ~~Either Ignorant, or~~ Controlled Opposition. (Nobody can still be this ignorant if they are affiliated in any way with Dana White.)

WHY people, those who have a clue, continue to put ANY "talking head" on such pedastals is the REASON THIS COMMUNIST COUNTRY IS FUBAR. Everyone around anon is complaining but STILL loyal to amazon, fakebook, goog, ETC.. Loyal to EVERYTHING COMMUNIST. ADDICTED TO ALL OF IT, including fake entertainment fauxNOnews.

Don't fuck with/slander my President, fucking COMMUNISTS.