Anonymous ID: 7195ad Aug. 9, 2024, 2:06 p.m. No.21381287   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No wonder why HRC is still pissed…KEKHe had much less than her, worked much harder than her, and had over $7 million left at the end.


(Bannon said when Reince took over Trump's list of donors as head of the RNC, he was freaking shocked and excited about how many 100s of 1000s of small donors Trump had, almost all came from the base. He had NEVER seen that before for any politician or election. His average donation was $30-$35)


Now look at Bidan/Trump:Am I reading that right, that Joe raised over $1 billion dollars and he almost spent every cent of it, without even campaigning, never showing up out of the basement, or hardly ever?


How do Dems spend all that moneywhile Trump always has money left on hand; Trump in 2016 was running a WW organization, doing a multitude rallies,(sometimes 3-4 a day), etc. and in 2020, while President of the US?


Where did all that money go?


You can find all years for President elections here.

Anonymous ID: 7195ad Aug. 9, 2024, 3:04 p.m. No.21381552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1582 >>1692 >>1744 >>1767

Biden-Harris Staffers Reveal How They Manipulated ‘Disinformation’ To Hide Biden’s Mental Decline From Voters

JULIANNA FRIEMAN August 08, 2024


Zoom call videos following the 2020 election cycle show Biden-Harris staffers reveal how they manipulated “disinformation” to hide then-Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s cognitive decline from voters.

Former Biden-Harris campaign Digital Director Rob Flaherty — now presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris’s deputy campaign manager —revealed that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) created a program to detect, track and have social media platforms flag “misinformation narratives” including online discussion about Biden’s mental fitness for public office, according to videos obtained by journalist Matt Orfalea. These videos showed a Zoom callFlaherty conducted with HOPE not hate, a U.K.-based activist grouptouting its mission ofcombatting “far-right extremism.”The Zoom call took place onNov. 18, 2020, according to a screenshot of from a HOPE not hate Twitter post.

Flaherty, who called the program “one of the smartest things” orchestrated by the Democratic Party, was joined on the call byTimothy Durigan. A Dem List news release from May 2021 said he had been announced as the DNC Counter-Disinformation Program’s lead analyst in recent months. Then-Biden For President’s Director of Rapid Response, Rebecca Rinkevich, who later became the Biden administration’s White House deputy director of digital strategy, also took part in the call.

Rinkevich said there was a massive amount of “disinformation” relating to Biden’s mental fortitude. She explained thatpeople making posts related to topics deemed disinformation were targeted in real-time based on “online behavioral cues, building out personas based on the kind of content they were consuming, what they were searching, [and] the kinds of websites they were visiting.

Durigan took the helm of the program and his reports were sent to the highest levels of the Biden campaign, according to Flaherty.The program is still listed on the DNC’s official website, and Durigan remains employed by the DNCgoing on six years, according to his LinkedIn page. He previously worked for a few months as aData Visualization Analyston former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

Rinkevich attributed at least 200,000 votes Biden received in 2020 to the program. The Democrat president won the states of Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by less than that put together, according to data collected by NPR from state officials. Orfalea appears to have taken a screenshot of NPR’s graph.

“The risk and the hit concern around mental acuity in particular went down by eight points over the course of our campaign,”Rinkevich said.

Biden announced his withdrawal from the 2024 election on July 21 after a weeks-long campaign spearheaded by top Democrats following his poor debate performance on June 27 that raised concerns regarding his cognitive ability. This came after the White House insisted videos of Biden apparently freezing during a Juneteenth celebration and wandering off at the G7 Summit were “cheap fakes.”

On July 20, 2021,Durigan told the New Democrat Network (NDN) in a Zoom interview that big tech companies “really hold the cards” when it comes to what content disseminates on social media platforms. The NDN wrote at the time that Durigan runs the DNC’s countering disinformation program in a post highlighting the interview.

“There’s a reason why the hard-right dominates Facebook. It’s because of the way their system is oriented to hold people’s attention, to keep them afraid and outraged. That content kind of moves to the top, and then those publishers are incentivized create more of it, create more of this propaganda,” Durigan said, Biden-Harris posters visible on the wall behind him.

Concerns regarding censorship of conservative political content under the guise of “misinformation” and “disinformation” reached a fever pitch in October 2020, especially following the suppression of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story by social media platforms, including Twitter and Facebook — which was later accepted as accurate reporting.

Outrage intensified when former President Donald Trump was banned, either for a period of time or permanently, across many social media platforms including Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube following the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.


(I bet they are using it now with polls, and manipulating them along with the "crowds" in Camela's supposed packed house.)