Anonymous ID: 9e23ba Aug. 9, 2024, 4:39 p.m. No.21382101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2106 >>2116 >>2121 >>2125 >>2128 >>2134 >>2196 >>2336 >>2465 >>2524 >>2543




End Wokeness


Met Police Commissioner Mark Rowley threatens to EXTRADITE and imprison American citizens over online posts.


He does not rule out Elon Musk.

0:01 / 1:02

10:39 AM · Aug 9, 2024



Don Keith


Lemme get this straight, the


wants to extradite citizens from other countries who they feel violate their online speech laws even though that citizen doesn’t violate their own country’s free speech laws?




7:06 AM · Aug 9, 2024

Anonymous ID: 9e23ba Aug. 9, 2024, 4:43 p.m. No.21382134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2135 >>2196 >>2336 >>2524 >>2543



Dude is a Knight of the Crown.


Sir Mark Rowley announced as Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police


Home Secretary Priti Patel has confirmed the appointment of Sir Mark Rowley to lead the UK’s largest police force.


The Home Secretary Priti Patel has today (8 July 2022) announced the appointment of Sir Mark Rowley as the new Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service.


Sir Mark was formally appointed by Her Majesty the Queen following a recommendation from the Home Secretary, after a highly competitive recruitment process. Representations from the Mayor of London were considered by the Home Secretary as part of this recommendation.


At a time when the government is investing record sums into policing, including supporting the recruitment of 20,000 additional police officers across England and Wales, the new Commissioner will need to focus on getting the basics right, restoring confidence in policing, delivering on the Beating Crime Plan and making our capital’s streets safer.


Home Secretary Priti Patel said:


Sir Mark Rowley is a distinguished and exceptionally experienced police officer, having served the people of the West Midlands and Surrey before guiding the capital through some of its most challenging moments in the wake of the 2017 terror attacks, as the Met’s then head of counter-terrorism.


He now takes on one of the most important and demanding jobs in policing, leading the country’s largest force at a time when public trust in the Metropolitan Police has been severely undermined by a number of significant failings. Rebuilding public trust and delivering on crime reduction must be his priority.


This will be a challenging period, but with a focus on tackling neighbourhood crime and delivering the basics of policing, Sir Mark is committed to tackling the significant challenges confronting the force and to making London’s streets safer by driving down crime and bringing more criminals to justice.


As the largest police force in the country, we have supported the Met to recruit 2,599 extra police officers and increased their annual policing budget to £3.24 billion in 2022 to 2023. I look forward to working closely with Sir Mark to ensure this investment drives essential change to ensure the force delivers for the people of London.


Responding to his appointment, Sir Mark Rowley said:


I feel deeply honoured to be appointed to be the next Metropolitan Police Commissioner. Our mission is to lead the renewal of policing by consent which has been so heavily dented in recent years as trust and confidence have fallen.


I am grateful that the Home Secretary and Mayor are both determined to support the urgent reforms we need to deliver successful community crimefighting in today’s fast-moving world. These reforms include our use of technology and data, our culture and our policing approach. We will fight crime with communities – not unilaterally dispense tactics.


I also know that the majority of officers and staff retain an extraordinary sense of vocation and determination and want us to do better. It is my job to help them do that, whilst also being ruthless in removing those who are corrupting our integrity.


We will deliver more trust, less crime and high standards for London and beyond and we will work with London’s diverse communities as we together renew the uniquely British invention of ‘policing by consent’.


The date of Sir Mark’s first day in the role will be confirmed in due course.


The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said:


The Home Secretary and I have agreed that Sir Mark Rowley is the best person to lead the Metropolitan Police as the new Commissioner at this extremely challenging time.


Anonymous ID: 9e23ba Aug. 9, 2024, 4:43 p.m. No.21382135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2196 >>2336 >>2524 >>2543



A series of appalling scandals have not only exposed deep cultural problems within the Met but have contributed to a crisis of confidence in London’s police service. Sir Mark has made clear to me that he is determined to be a reforming Commissioner, committed to implementing a robust plan to rebuild trust and confidence in the police and to drive through the urgent reforms and step change in culture and performance Londoners deserve. As Mayor, I will support and hold him to these promises as I continue to hold the Met to account.


Sir Mark has demonstrated to me that he is the outstanding candidate for this role. He brings a wealth of great experience to the position, including exceptional leadership during the 2017 terror attacks and a genuine commitment to increasing engagement with diverse communities across our city. The experience he has gained outside policing over the last 4 years will also bring a valuable new perspective to the Met. Above all, he is committed to policing by consent and shares my ambition to get to a place where all Londoners feel protected and served, and where we have a police force that everyone – including the many brave and dedicated officers in our city – can be proud of.


I look forward to supporting Sir Mark Rowley and working closely with the Home Secretary as we work to restore trust and confidence in the police, ensure that the Met gets the basics of policing right, and build on the significant success we have made in driving down violence and crime in our city.


Biography of Sir Mark Rowley

Sir Mark Peter Rowley QPM was Chief Constable of Surrey Police for four years (2008 to 2011) before joining the Metropolitan Police Service in 2011. Sir Mark was a former Assistant Commissioner for Specialist Crime and Operations of the Metropolitan Police Service (2011 to 2014), and then National Police Chiefs’ Council Lead for Counter-Terrorism (2014 to 2018). He was knighted in 2018 for his exceptional contribution to national security and national leadership at a time of unprecedented threat.


Sir Mark Rowley’s career in policing spans over 30 years, during which time he has transformed national security and policing. As Chief Constable, he lifted the public confidence levels in Surrey to the highest in the country. After joining the Metropolitan Police Service, Sir Mark transformed the approach to UK counter-terrorism and policing gangs, increasing community engagement and workforce diversity, leading the police response to the London terror attacks of 2017 and reducing shootings and murders in London to an all-time low. He also led reform in policing of public order, organised crime and fraud, launching the 200-strong Op Falcon team to combat the growth of online fraud and cybercrime.


Since leaving policing in 2018 he has worked in specialist security projects and on technology/data-led transformation with ‘start-ups’ and the world’s largest professional services company. He has focused on: countering extremism and racism, online safety, institutional integrity, and illicit finance.

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Anonymous ID: 9e23ba Aug. 9, 2024, 4:44 p.m. No.21382142   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK riots: Met Police Chief Sir Mark Rowley says 'fears of extreme right disorder abaited'

Anonymous ID: 9e23ba Aug. 9, 2024, 4:48 p.m. No.21382165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2196 >>2336 >>2524 >>2543

95 Libyan nationals arrested in South Africa at suspected secret military training camp


JOHANNESBURG (AP) — South African police arrested 95 Libyan nationals in a raid on a suspected secret military training camp on Friday and authorities said they were investigating whether there were more illegal bases in other parts of the country.


The camp was discovered at a farm in White River in the Mpumalanga province, about 360 kilometers (220 miles) northeast of Johannesburg, police said.


National police spokesperson Athlenda Mathe said in a post on the social media site X that the Libyans stated they had entered the country on study visas to train as security guards, but police investigations suggest they have received military training.


The Newzroom Afrika TV news channel broadcast pictures of the site of the arrests, showing a military-style camp with large green and khaki tents set up in a row. Dozens of men were seen lining up as they were arrested. They were wearing civilian clothing.


Local government official Jackie Macie said investigations were ongoing and the owner of the farm would be questioned. He said authorities received information that there were similar secret camps near two other towns in Mpumalanga province.


The province borders neighboring countries Mozambique and Swaziland and is an area of concern for South African authorities with regards to illegal immigration.


Police and authorities have not said whether the camps are suspected of being connected to a particular group or conflict.


Macie said investigations would establish if there was a network of camps in South Africa and show “why they are here doing military training in our country.”


Police said the men may be linked to crimes reported in communities close to the farm in recent months.


“We have serious cases which have been opened with the police, including cases of rape and armed robberies, which complainants claim were committed by unknown foreigners who seem to be of Asian descent,” said police spokesman Donald Mdhluli.


“We take what we have found here today very seriously because we don’t know who was training them, what were they being trained for and why that training is happening here in South Africa. It may be a threat not only to South Africa but also to the entire southern Africa region.”


Police said the operation to arrest the Libyans and close down the camp began two days ago. Macie said the Libyan nationals had been in the country since at least April.


“The 95 individuals taken into custody are all Libyan nationals and are currently being questioned by the relevant authorities,” Mpumalanga acting provincial police commissioner Maj. Gen. Zeph Mkhwanazi said in a statement.


Mdhluli, the police spokesman, said the country’s security regulator had confirmed that the kind of training that appears to have been taking place at the camp was well beyond the scope of training for security guards.


“The kind of equipment we found here shows that there was intense military training taking place here. This was basically a military base.”

Anonymous ID: 9e23ba Aug. 9, 2024, 4:58 p.m. No.21382237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2268


Why are locked and sealed Conex boxes full of mil equipment being dropped in immigrant-heavy areas in the UK? You think this is only happening in the UK?


Sauce is John @ SOE Tactical


Consider the estimates of immigrant, undocumented mil age males in the US is between 400,000 and 4,000,000, and the total size of the USMC is ~185,000…


Then consider Afgahnistan base abandonment, Niger base abandonment last week, Fast & Furious, and the 15 or so years of HUGE .gov purchases of ammunition…


It appears there will be rifles. Lots and lots and lots of them. Unfortuneately.

Anonymous ID: 9e23ba Aug. 9, 2024, 5:01 p.m. No.21382261   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gunther Eagleman™


Is this weird…?

0:01 / 0:51

4:41 PM · Aug 9, 2024