Dangerous ti be a Satanist piece of shit, lot can happen.
Oak is nice.
Hopbama makalamaka?
HVAC is tough, hard to find good help these days…….
Hot time of year too…..
Hard to be Satanist post menopausal dark mother Dumbcunt
Omg the stink of that place…..
Asinine dreck.
Sophomoric and predictable smudge.
Incomprehensible and incongruent, psychological flatulence.
I would rather chew on a ball of tinfoil than watch that dog and pony show.
Pack a lunch Lymie.
Keep paddling almost there.
Savagery, no letting of this gas.
Spoo grandfather told me this wicked funny story about how two guys were fucking in a bathroom stall in Los Alamos 7/16/45, "the bomb" test.
Deepstate always been rife with faggotry and ridiculous bullshit.
Wrote bombing leaflets, funny that.
Relax, have a cold one.
Read down the middle, instead of reading words, read entire sentences at once, practice makes perfect.
Learned from an episode of "That's Incredible"
Carry on.