Anonymous ID: e0c94d Aug. 9, 2024, 8:18 p.m. No.21383594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3608 >>3611




What a fucking loser.


>>21380330 past bread

>>21380369 past bread

>>21380422 past bread

>>21380445 past bread

>>21380510 past bread

>>21380567 past bread

>>21380696 past bread

>>21380720 past bread

>>21380826 past bread

>Plane crash in Brazil

>>21381020 past bread

>>21381103 past bread

>>21381139 past bread

>>21381146 past bread

>>21381180 past bread

>>21381341 past bread

>>21381415 past bread

>>21381490 past bread

>>21381706 past bread

Moar Brazil plane crash

>>21383236 last bread

>>21380478 past bread

>Anon imagines that Juan Browne will be chiming in with a video on this one in the next few days. Will watch for it and post it if he does.


Voepass #8203 ATR-72 Loss of Control Sao Paulo Brazil 9 Aug 2024


462K subscribers

105,799 views 4 hours ago


Anon remembers the series of American Airlines ATR crashes from icing in the 1990s. What happened in Brazil today appears to be a repeat of the crashes due to icing in the US 30 years ago.


American Eagle 4184: The Crash That Changed Aviation Safety | Aircraft Icing & ATR 72 | Flight 4182

Fly with Magnar

54.4K subscribers

13,684 views Jan 20, 2024

Discover the story behind American Eagle Flight 4184, a tragic accident that revolutionised aviation safety. This video delves into the impact of aircraft icing, particularly the phenomenon of supercooled large drops (SLD), and how it led to significant changes in aviation protocols and safety measures. Learn about the commanded aileron deflection, the addition of vortex generators to ATR aircraft, and the rigorous training that followed.

Anonymous ID: e0c94d Aug. 9, 2024, 8:34 p.m. No.21383699   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It was a whole series of ATR crashes due to icing anon. They finally got it sorted out. Lessons learned. It was a very big deal at the time. There is no good reason for the lessons learned to be lost to the pilots of that flight today. That is the tragedy here. If it was icing. And it looks like it was. It was avoidable.