;????778+ ID: 14a17d Aug. 10, 2024, 8 a.m. No.21385735   🗄️.is 🔗kun


To the Doc ,

And to the Judges,

To all lawyers; fuck it,

And criminals too.

I'm speaking to you all,

Hoping this message gets through.

Even, free men, eventually,

could get-it as well.

If no light shines, and u are

in the dark

With you i share this, message,

To give u a spark.

i be for you;

and, you be for i.

That's something i only learned from

an Artest, who's pretty much fly.

You might say, that sounds pretty gay.

I respect your opinion;

but, it's the only way.

Really, that's all I share, Some-how

cause, I really care.

so, piss off, if u being a bully,

givin me aster.

L–l-l-et me get the following straight.

I hope, it gets in your melon,

Like food on your plate.

Rap was what trained me passively,

to be violent; angry or mad, insolent

A total jackass, if u ask, my brothers,

Even ma' dad.

I turned into a bully,

Becuse I was bullied in school,

See, I shat myself once, made,

me feel, like a fool.

I didn't see well, so just like Alice,

I had to look through the glass.

So this nigga told me, hey-U be For-

Eyes, be takin' notes, for U, during class.

That was nice of that fellow,

So, Bands became my friends,

music, and all Movies too.

Back then i-looked-equally,

to Muslim, Christian, Hindi, and Jew.

Then I started Offending:

Faggots, Dykes, not niggers, I like rap,

But Jews, not Muslims, cause I felt,

the Catholics lied, and set up a trap.

There's one thing, I did, always love,

that's football, the one u play with ur feet.

The NFL' fake, cause u use your hands,

it's not a raggidy figure, of speech.

You, see, Football's called soccer,

Only, in D' USA. where else do u find,

the same terms, no where else, was it

Penned the same way.

It bothers me dude, I hope.it is clear.

international leagues, think gringos are queer.

Men, and women, docs, judges, and doc's.

Sh…all say they are fair, in but they all -

pass bills, in excess, so u think that they,

do care?

Alays be yourself, I forgot who i

Was-ust to being.

So back to football u suckers,

so we get this shit down, right.

Ronaldinho, and iniesta, me-sii, and eto'o

all kept me up at night watching,

perfect angled passes, before, they,


Like they say, there is no I in team,

but there is and eye in win.

like there is I in wind, but not in

at eve screen.

So, if off with this poems,

Hope you put it on tapes.

and if are, a bully, cut that shit out,

because you affect all around you,

Givin' drama and hate.

Di's da' - end of my letter, statement, and

plea, to, indivituals reading,

God told Moses to chill,

And take all with him through the sea.

He told Noah the same shit,

Basi-cally- tells everyone the same B,

Last is always first, only not on WhoSe

On First, joke, bloke, do u see what I see?

The world's twisted, wherever we look.

Always do things by the book.

;????778+ ID: 14a17d Aug. 10, 2024, 8:12 a.m. No.21385796   🗄️.is 🔗kun



To mom, dad, and Pedro, and the docs.

Please wake me up,

Stop with this retarded coma Arvr shit please.

After the hanging, I will not

Draw gay guitars,.brooms, or write poetry.

If u want to contribute to my misery, go ahead,

UV'e done a perfect job in the last two years.

I will not use the tale TS I had, that, got fucked up in the process to contribute any longer.

Yeah, it's the labyrinth alright,

U sick Rot-Ar-ios, fucks.

Your little Hollywood VR set sucks.

There's a reason for wwII, Florence

didn't get destroyed.

I already asked.for u to off the set.

I already walked,.but u fucked up.

I already fasted, but u fucked me.

So, I politely ask,.please.wake me up,

And I'll get a decent job,

Everyday, I dislike art more.and more,

Think about that.


About your Yoda meme.

Back it up.

Do…show….don't just say.

No voy a.tomar El underground railroad tren Al sur,

Because.thats music, art,

Part of your programming from day one

Which means, that well,.I've been in a coma.forever.

Which means that whoever u are,


Fuck ur script