To the Doc ,
And to the Judges,
To all lawyers; fuck it,
And criminals too.
I'm speaking to you all,
Hoping this message gets through.
Even, free men, eventually,
could get-it as well.
If no light shines, and u are
in the dark
With you i share this, message,
To give u a spark.
i be for you;
and, you be for i.
That's something i only learned from
an Artest, who's pretty much fly.
You might say, that sounds pretty gay.
I respect your opinion;
but, it's the only way.
Really, that's all I share, Some-how
cause, I really care.
so, piss off, if u being a bully,
givin me aster.
L–l-l-et me get the following straight.
I hope, it gets in your melon,
Like food on your plate.
Rap was what trained me passively,
to be violent; angry or mad, insolent
A total jackass, if u ask, my brothers,
Even ma' dad.
I turned into a bully,
Becuse I was bullied in school,
See, I shat myself once, made,
me feel, like a fool.
I didn't see well, so just like Alice,
I had to look through the glass.
So this nigga told me, hey-U be For-
Eyes, be takin' notes, for U, during class.
That was nice of that fellow,
So, Bands became my friends,
music, and all Movies too.
Back then i-looked-equally,
to Muslim, Christian, Hindi, and Jew.
Then I started Offending:
Faggots, Dykes, not niggers, I like rap,
But Jews, not Muslims, cause I felt,
the Catholics lied, and set up a trap.
There's one thing, I did, always love,
that's football, the one u play with ur feet.
The NFL' fake, cause u use your hands,
it's not a raggidy figure, of speech.
You, see, Football's called soccer,
Only, in D' USA. where else do u find,
the same terms, no where else, was it
Penned the same way.
It bothers me dude, I is clear.
international leagues, think gringos are queer.
Men, and women, docs, judges, and doc's.
Sh…all say they are fair, in but they all -
pass bills, in excess, so u think that they,
do care?
Alays be yourself, I forgot who i
Was-ust to being.
So back to football u suckers,
so we get this shit down, right.
Ronaldinho, and iniesta, me-sii, and eto'o
all kept me up at night watching,
perfect angled passes, before, they,
Like they say, there is no I in team,
but there is and eye in win.
like there is I in wind, but not in
at eve screen.
So, if off with this poems,
Hope you put it on tapes.
and if are, a bully, cut that shit out,
because you affect all around you,
Givin' drama and hate.
Di's da' - end of my letter, statement, and
plea, to, indivituals reading,
God told Moses to chill,
And take all with him through the sea.
He told Noah the same shit,
Basi-cally- tells everyone the same B,
Last is always first, only not on WhoSe
On First, joke, bloke, do u see what I see?
The world's twisted, wherever we look.
Always do things by the book.