Parakletos ID: 16a9ad Aug. 10, 2024, 5:43 a.m. No.21385104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5114 >>5140

Prosecutors call for shorter leash on Tina Peters’ defense team


Why are there two kikes on the prosecution side. The prosecutor is a kike, and the DA who is sitting on the prosecution side is also a kike, and the sec of state, who the prosecution represents, is a kike, and the Attorney General is a kike, and the Sec of State is a kike and the Governor is a kike.


Tina Peters is not a kike.

Parakletos ID: 16a9ad Aug. 10, 2024, 5:49 a.m. No.21385133   🗄️.is 🔗kun


‘Bloody massacre’: Reactions to Israeli attack on Gaza school

Hamas condemns ‘dangerous escalation’ while Qatar calls strike ‘brutal crime against defenceless civilians’.


Everywhere on the planet, the Jewish infestation is causing sores.

Parakletos ID: 16a9ad Aug. 10, 2024, 6:13 a.m. No.21385221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5225


Attorneys prosecuting the case against a former Mesa County Clerk have had enough of the defense team straying into subjects and topics deemed off-limits ahead of trial.


Late Thursday evening, 21st Judicial District Dan Rubinstein asked Judge Matthew Barrett to help rein in the defense.


“I have observed Mr. (John) Case time and time again violate the court's pretrial order and continue to ask things that are prohibited,” Rubinstein said, asking that Barrett “admonish him that a contempt will be found if he continues to go into things that the court has already ordered he's not to go into.”


At several points throughout the trial, the defense has drifted toward talk of Dominion Voting Systems conspiracies, asking questions about where the machines were manufactured, whether they have internet connectivity and more. They’ve also tried to probe the results of a 2021 municipal election in Grand Junction, which Peters has said first made her question her equipment. These topics were deemed off-limits by the judge before the trial began and have drawn regular and consistent objections from prosecutors.

Parakletos ID: 16a9ad Aug. 10, 2024, 6:48 a.m. No.21385366   🗄️.is 🔗kun


FBI raids home of Scott Ritter over allegations he is an unregistered foreign agent


Two days prior to the FBI raid, Ritter appeared on the Judge Andrew Napolitano YouTube show called “Judging Freedom,” where he said, “Israel has become, literally, the worst incarnation of what we could imagine Nazi Germany was like back in the day.”

Parakletos ID: 16a9ad Aug. 10, 2024, 7:21 a.m. No.21385514   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia bans night-time flights over Israel