Anonymous ID: b45268 Aug. 10, 2024, 5:12 a.m. No.21384998   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5002 >>5074 >>5872



Note:dough below to rally notes


LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Bozeman, MT - 8/9/24


POTUS takes stage @ 11:28, POTUS begins speaking @11:31

President Trump: [Harris] wants to allow millions of people to pour in to our border, through an invasion; using an invasion process.

President Trump: This election is about saving our economy, ending inflation, securing our borders, restoring respect for our nation…preventing World War III…and stopping a 1929-style depression. With your vote, we will reverse the Kamala-crash, and we will end the Kamala-chaos, and we will stop the Biden/Harris invasion of people that don't belong in our country. They are invading our country.

President Trump: Kamala Harris. You know, it's interesting; nobody really knows her last name. If you ask people, 'do you know what her last name is', nobody has any idea what it is. Harris. It's like Harris. How the hell did this happen?

DJT: and now the media is saying she's wonderful, she's wonderful

>>21383797, >>21383812 FIST PUMPS ARE FOR ANONS, COMMS

DJT: joe biden was exposed during the debate, likewise kamala will be exposed during the debate

President Trump: For nearly four years, Joe Biden's mental incompetence has given Harris a free reign to impose her ultra-liberal agenda on America, and others with her, and destroy our country…Joe Biden was exposed during the debate. Likewise, Kamala will be exposed during the debate.

DJT: she was part of the cabal who got him out (referring to kneepads and joe)

DJT: i gave her the strongest border in US history, she turned into the worst border in US history

>>21383858 djt: 92 seconds. 37 seconds.

President Trump: You have to remember, they said that he couldn't beat me now [Biden], after the debate, he was down, way down in the polls. They didn't even want to show the polls. They said he's not going to win. So they said, 'we're going to take him out, and we're going to put somebody new in'. This never happened to anybody before. We spent a hundred million dollars fighting Crooked Joe Biden, and then all of a sudden, they decide to take him out and put somebody else in. She never got one vote. She was the first loser in the primaries…she never made Iowa. She was the first one to quit…she was part of the cabal that got him out…it was a coup.

>>21383872 POTUS just said 400

President Trump: I just want to thank everybody, because, I'll tell you what, the level of love, and compassion, and all of the things that we all went through; that was a terrible thing [July 13th]. And we're going to be very careful. We have to be very careful. This is; by the way, being president is a dangerous profession. You know, this is a very; this is not the safest profession out there.

President Trump: I gave Kamala and Crooked Joe a world at peace, and their weakness and incompetence quickly brought us to the brink of a global war. American can not survive for four more years of this bumbling communist lunatic. Look, we can not let her win this election. It's not a question of me, We can't let her win this election. If she wins this election, we're not going to have a country anymore.


Anonymous ID: b45268 Aug. 10, 2024, 5:12 a.m. No.21385002   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5074 >>5872


President Trump: As Minnesota's governor, Tim Walz let rioters and looters burn down Minneapolis…while the governor's wife opened the windows to the mansion to enjoy the smell of the fires. She said, 'the smell is so beautiful, I love it'. I wonder where she is coming from.

>>21383937, >>21383951 before 12.01 marked. chek for minnie driver. in straw hat.

President Trump: [Walz] signed a bill to give illegal aliens free healthcare. He abolished Columbus Day. He ordered tampons to be put into boy's bathrooms. He ordered tampons in boy's bathrooms, okay? He signed a law letting the state kidnap children to change their gender…and he signed a bill allowing pedophiles to claim human rights protection under the state law.

President Trump: If Comrade Walz and Comrade Harris wins this November, the people cheering will be the pink-haired marxists, the looters, the perverts, the flag-burners, Hamas supporters, drug dealers, gun grabbers, and human traffickers. But with a Trump/Vance victory, the cheers will come from the police officers, the firefighters, the border patrol agents, the steelworkers, small business owners, parents, and hard-working citizens of every race, religion, color and creed.

President Trump: Four more years of Crazy Kamala Harris means; probably it means fifty million illegal aliens pouring into our country over another four years…they're overrunning our country, they're destroying our country, they're ruining our country, and they're making our country very unsafe…it means double-digit inflation, decimating your savings…it means violent crime ripping through the suburbs

President Trump: You know, I put something in when I was president; there will be no low-income housing developments build in areas that are right next to your house. You have a house in the suburbs; you're so proud, and then they want to build a low-income job with a thirty-story building next to your house, and your house is worthless…you're not going to have migrant criminals preying on our women and our girls, while guns are confiscated from the law-abiding citizens. They want to take away your guns, and then they want to have our country overrun with some of the worst criminals there are anywhere in the world.

President Trump: Remember I said we will not become a socialist country? And I meant it. Except I was wrong. We didn't become; we're going beyond socialism. We're becoming, if they get in, a communist, full-blown communist country. This is America. We're not a communist country. We're not going to let that happen.

>>21384041 571 miles of wall plus Qdrop 571

President Trump: Kamala is working full-time to erase her record of open borders, trans-gender anything, high energy costs, taxes, interest rates; which are at sky-levels. Rising crime rates, and wars all over the world…when I left, we had nothing; we had no wars. The world respected your country.

President Trump: Four years ago, America's future was blazing bright, and Kamala and Crooked Joe came in and drove our country off the cliff.

>>21384154 jon tester, do not vote for him.

President Trump: Starting on Day One, we will end inflation and Make America Affordable Again! To bring down the prices of all goods, we will stop the Biden/Harris war on American energy, and we will Drill, Baby, Drill…their stupid energy policies caused the inflation. I will terminate the Green New Scam, deliver historic regulation cuts, and I will end the Biden/Harris electric vehicle mandate on Day One….we will end the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels; we are going to demolish those cartels. We're going to crush gang violence, support our police, and lock up violent offenders behind bars, and we are going to straighten our the crime in our cities, we are going to straighten out the crime in our country. We're going to get it done fast. We will deport pro-Hamas radicals, and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again.

President Trump: With our leadership, every disaster Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have created, can be fixed, and it can be fixed quickly. It's going to have to be fixed quickly; we don't have time. Every problem can be solved, and every wrong can be rectified.

>>21384122, >>21384381 djt statement bun


Anonymous ID: b45268 Aug. 10, 2024, 5:32 a.m. No.21385074   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5872



86 day left until nov 5th, 10 Qdrops for the 10th August

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Anonymous ID: b45268 Aug. 10, 2024, 5:51 a.m. No.21385137   🗄️.is đź”—kun


just saw this on another channel.

fucking disgusting,

klaus schwab, stated it.

you will learn to live with immigrants in a angerer world.


Are We Edging in to a Police State?