Anonymous ID: 286a65 Aug. 10, 2024, 11:21 a.m. No.21386529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6541 >>6694 >>6768

Biologist Richard Dawkins Says Facebook Nuked Account After Posting That Male Boxers Shouldn't Fight Women


Facebook has nuked the account of famed evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins after he said that genetically male boxers should not be allowed to fight women in the Olympics.

Anonymous ID: 286a65 Aug. 10, 2024, 11:26 a.m. No.21386548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6694 >>6768

‘Deeply shaken’: Moscow reacts to Israeli airstrike on Gaza school


The attack on Saturday reportedly killed 100 people and left dozens more injured


Zakharova expressed condolences to the families of those killed in the attack, stressing that tragedies like this undermine international efforts to deescalate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to achieve a ceasefire along with a prisoner exchange.


“We are calling on Israel to refrain from attacks on civilian targets. We believe there is no and can be no justification for such actions,” the spokeswoman said.


Shortly after the airstrike, the Israeli military claimed on X (formerly Twitter) that the school became a target because it had been used as a headquarters by Hamas, from which the group “planned and promoted terrorist operations against the IDF forces and the citizens of the State of Israel.”


According to a statement by Hamas, Israel’s claims that the school was used as a command center are “excuses to target civilians, schools, hospitals, and refugee tents, all of which are false pretexts and expose lies to justify its crimes.”

Anonymous ID: 286a65 Aug. 10, 2024, 11:32 a.m. No.21386569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6694 >>6768



We just secured a preliminary injunction in our lawsuit against the Biden-Harris CDC for illegally deleting employees’ emails.


The National Archives and Attorney General Garland must now work to recover illegally deleted records and make CDC comply with the law:

Anonymous ID: 286a65 Aug. 10, 2024, 11:34 a.m. No.21386576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6590 >>6610 >>6619 >>6694 >>6768

Fourth Circuit Upholds Maryland’s So-Called ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Allowing the State to Disarm Law-Abiding Citizens


The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has once again turned its back on the Constitution, upholding Maryland’s oppressive Firearms Safety Act of 2013.


This ruling, handed down by a majority of liberal judges, essentially strips law-abiding citizens of their God-given right to self-defense by banning a wide range of so-called “assault weapons,” including the highly popular AR-15 rifle.


Mike Davis of the Article 3 Project expressed his outrage, stating, “9 Democrat judges–along with an older, weak Republican judge–on 4th Circuit is allowing Maryland to disarm citizens. 5 Republican judges, including all 3 Trump appointees, wrote a powerful dissent. The Supreme Court must step in and fix this.”

Anonymous ID: 286a65 Aug. 10, 2024, 11:37 a.m. No.21386585   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Serbian president says he received coup warning from Russia


Aleksandar Vucic has said the security services are working on leads provided by Moscow


“We received official information from the Russian Federation, information transmitted and brought through official channels,” the president said, adding that the authorities “are dealing with it” and there is no reason to worry.


Vucic did not elaborate on where the threat comes from or who is behind it. “Serbia is moving forward and they cannot and will not stop it,” he said


Serbian daily Vecernje Novosti said on Friday that it obtained a “color revolution handbook” supposedly published for participants of ecological protests expected on Saturday. The handbook describes methods reminiscent of color revolutions in other nations, the outlet claimed, adding that the protests are likely to be coordinated from “centers of power” abroad, but did not accuse anyone in particular.


The news comes as the nation braces for ecological protests this weekend. In July, there was a standoff between eco-activists and the government over a lithium mine project. Last month, Belgrade granted British-Australian company Rio Tinto a license to develop a lithium mine in the Jadar region in the western part of the country, which is set to become the biggest in Europe, according to Reuters.


The project did not sit well with local farmers and villagers, who argued that the mine would severely pollute the surrounding area. Activist and farmer Zlatko Kokanovic told Reuters that the mine would “free the European Union from reliance on China” regarding lithium at the expense of people’s health.

Anonymous ID: 286a65 Aug. 10, 2024, 11:40 a.m. No.21386599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6694 >>6768

Labour Councillor Filmed Calling for Far-Right Rioters’ Throats to be Cut is Charged


A (now former) Labour councillor who was filmed telling a crowd in London on Wednesday that far-Right rioters are “disgusting” and should have their throats cut has been charged with encouraging violent disorder. The Telegraph has more.


Ricky Jones, 57, was arrested on Thursday and is expected to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court this afternoon.


Jaswant Narwal, Chief Crown Prosecutor for north London, said: “Jones was filmed addressing a crowd in Walthamstow on Wednesday August 7th during which he appeared to make remarks and a gesture to encourage others to act violently towards far-Right protesters.”


Jones was filmed saying far-Right rioters are “disgusting” and should have their throats cut.


Ricky Jones, a councillor for Princes, in Dartford, was seen on video footage telling anti-racism protesters in Walthamstow, north-east London: “We need to cut all their throats.”


The Labour Party said his behaviour was “completely unacceptable” and he had been suspended. He was also arrested on suspicion of encouraging murder.


The Metropolitan Police confirmed his arrest on Thursday in a post on X, formerly Twitter, which included the original footage of Mr. Jones addressing protesters.


The post said that a man aged in his 50s had been arrested at an address in south east London and “was held on suspicion of encouraging murder and for an offence under the Public Order Act.”


Scotland Yard said Mr. Jones, a paid organiser with the Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association (TSSA) union, was being held in custody at a south London police station.


Before his arrest, the 57-year-old had been suspended from the Labour Party, meaning he will no longer sit as a Labour councillor.


A Labour spokesman said: “This behaviour is completely unacceptable, and it will not be tolerated. The councillor has been suspended from the party.”


A TSSA spokesman said: “TSSA remains steadfast in supporting communities that peacefully stand against fascist aggression. We unequivocally do not condone any threats or acts of violence, as these actions are contrary to our values.”


The union did not say whether any action would be taken against Mr. Jones.

Anonymous ID: 286a65 Aug. 10, 2024, 11:43 a.m. No.21386609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6630 >>6694 >>6768

Ukraine Demands Mexico Arrest Putin At Presidential Inauguration


Ukraine has issued a formal request for Mexico to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin if he travels to Mexican soil for the inauguration of the country's new president Claudia Sheinbaum.


The request comes after on Tuesday it was widely reported that the Mexican embassy in Moscow confirmed that Putin has been issued an invitation to attend the swearing in events.

Anonymous ID: 286a65 Aug. 10, 2024, 11:47 a.m. No.21386623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6634 >>6694 >>6768

Overnight Drone Attack Targets US Troops Occupying Syria


Update(2210ET): American troops occupying northeast Syria have come under overnight attack by a drone, which some reports say was sent by 'pro-Iran' militants.


US officials did not indicate that there were any initial casualties, in what is the second such attack on a US base in less than a week. "Initial reports do not indicate any injuries, however medical evaluations are ongoing. We are currently conducting a damage assessment," a defense official told Reuters.

Anonymous ID: 286a65 Aug. 10, 2024, 11:54 a.m. No.21386651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6664 >>6668 >>6694 >>6768

Tommy Robinson And The Zionist Agenda: The Hidden Forces Behind The UK Race Riots


As anti-Muslim rioters violently tear through the UK the corporate media deliberately obfuscates the true driving forces behind the upheaval.


Ever since July 29, Britain has been plunged into crisis, with incendiary far-riot rights sending towns and cities across the country spiraling into states of emergency. Vast mobs of armed, angry thugs, motivated by racist, Islamophobic animus, have vandalized homes, property and places of worship, violently clashed with police, and targeted hotels housing refugees with arson attacks in apparent stabs at mass murder. Hundreds of arrests have been made, and counter-protesters have taken to the streets in profusion to counter the upsurge of hatred.


Prime Minister Keir Starmer has pledged those responsible will face the “full force of the law” for their actions, and several perpetrators have already been sentenced to years in prison. Still, the situation remains gravely tense. Furthermore, in keeping with so many prior explosive, unanticipated episodes in modern British history, a vicious mainstream blame game has erupted, with ultimate responsibility for the upheaval being apportioned to a wide range of domestic and foreign actors and causes.


The unrest’s actual, and perhaps most apparent, sources have been mysteriously overlooked. For one, average Britons remain gripped by an ever-worsening economic cataclysm, in which the cost of essentials ever rises while living standards precipitously decline. The newly-elected Labour government has not only practically pledged to do nothing to alleviate the misery – by maintaining if not intensifying self-destructive austerity policies – but already exacerbated the dire situation significantly by slashing winter fuel payments, leaving millions facing life-threateningly freezing cold, without state support.


History shows that this milieu is invariably a fertile breeding ground for fascism to take root. With no mainstream alternative to the neoliberal status quo, desperate, disillusioned and dispossessed working-class Britons look to “outsiders” and extremists like Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson for salvation in ever-greater numbers. And their remedy, as always, is to blame migrants, refugees and “the other” for all of society’s ills and their own personal deprivation rather than ruling elites.


Even more ominously, though, there are unambiguous indications the anti-Muslim fervor that has torn through Britain in August is being stirred up by unseen spectral actors in service of the Zionist entity’s ideological, political, and military interests.


‘Get Them Gone’

For all the flurry of claims and counter-claims about how and why the riots started, there is no dispute they ignited on July 29 following a savage knife attack at a children’s yoga and dance workshop. Three children were killed and eight others injured, with five still in critical condition. Two adults present were also severely harmed. News of the shocking event rapidly spread far and wide, promptly followed by wildly incorrect conjecture and disinformation about the suspect’s identity.



Anonymous ID: 286a65 Aug. 10, 2024, 11:57 a.m. No.21386668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6698



This connection was reportedly too “extreme” for EDL higherups, who subsequently distanced themselves from Moore and their “Jewish” wing. However, this is difficult to rationalize with Robinson’s own views. In February 2019, a leaked video depicted the former League chief declaring his love for Israel and discussing how, on some occasions, he is forced to “get [his] Zionist card out, which says that [he is] a Zionist.” The clip ended with him proudly declaring:


Palestine?! F*** Palestine. Why would you support Palestine? If there was a war tomorrow, which probably there would be, I would be there on the front line fighting for Israel”.


Five months later, Robinson was jailed for 13 months for contempt of court after he exposed the protected identities of accused sexual groomers while they were on trial in May the previous year. Once imprisoned, notorious hardline Zionist lobby think tank Middle East Forum announced it had not only helped fund his legal expenses but financed and organized 25,000-strong solidarity protests in his honor. An accompanying statement revealed:


MEF is helping Mr. Robinson in his moment of danger…[MEF] is aiding Mr. Robinson…diplomatically, by bringing foreign pressure on the UK government to ensure [his] safety and eventual release.


The statement was signed by MEF Director Gregg Roman, who previously worked in the Zionist entity’s Defence and foreign ministries. There are no prizes for guessing from which country the “foreign pressure” to release Robinson emanated.


‘Going Undercover’

In the EDL, Robinson and Moore were not alone in having deep and cohering ties to Israel and a pronounced affinity for Zionism. One of the group’s key founders, “Paul Ray,” whose blogging on race was cited in the manifesto of Norwegian Islamophobic mass murderer Anders Breivik, had a highly dubious history indeed as an infiltrator of Palestine solidarity movements in Britain. Whether he was a volunteer or state agent remains unclear today, but he evidently inflicted enormous damage on his targets.


In September 2006, Islamophobic U.S. website FrontPageMag published an “exposeé” on how one of its British “volunteers” had infiltrated the International Solidarity Movement’s London wing a year prior. ISM is a pro-Palestinian campaign group dedicated to nonviolent protests, with chapters around the world. It trains and dispatches volunteers to the Occupied Territories to assist with nonviolent protest activities. Despite this, in 2003, two ISM activists – Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall – were killed by Israeli Occupation Forces.



Anonymous ID: 286a65 Aug. 10, 2024, 12:21 p.m. No.21386770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6773

Amid global criticism, Israel names 19 it says it killed in terror HQ at Gaza school


White House ‘deeply concerned’ by airstrike; Egypt, Qatar fume; top EU diplomat slams unjustified ‘massacres’; IDF dismisses Hamas claim 90 killed, says no major damage to school complex


The IDF and Shin Bet security agency on Saturday night named 19 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror operatives that it said it killed in an airstrike Saturday morning on a Hamas and Islamic Jihad command room at the Taba’een school in Gaza City.


The Gaza Strip’s Hamas-run civil defense agency claimed over 90 people were killed in the airstrike, describing the incident as a “horrific massacre.” Several Western diplomats, the Egyptian and Qatari mediators of ceasefire-for-hostage talks and numerous Muslim countries denounced Israel over the airstrike.


The White House said it was “deeply concerned” about the airstrike and was seeking further details. It said far too many civilians continue to be killed in the Gaza war.


“We know Hamas has been using schools as locations to gather and operate out of, but we have also said repeatedly and consistently that Israel must take measures to minimize civilian harm,” said a statement issued by National Security Council spokesperson Sean Savett.


According to the IDF, the strike was carried out using three “precision munitions” against the two terror groups’ command room embedded within a mosque at the Taba’een school complex.