faykNAZIjuuuus COLONic$ ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 9:16 a.m. No.21386042   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6211




>>>memefag wins superbowl<




>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>egregiously treasonous taxes dodgur chitty chuutur muhjuwkrain proxy spam needs rushin invades


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>plz invasion wrong poleland volcano jelly donut moar bannon dianetics wurkkks


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bungholgate haz juwish space gahydar


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>coukda gone to duh pokey


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sells pokey fantasyland feels meta anyways


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>glory hol go clear halps stap skid marks


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>buy luuub


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gahy barr needs drumpf larp rally juuuus removed


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fudge FACTory needs luub an peter pan creamy uber alles groosse weider mach jetzt schwules


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>juwresearch rushin big nosed unklfukin into qresearch HObamaMOO dead cow cult assburgur all moist AF isREAL


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>git cash back on bitcoin viagra pills spam with discover card


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>barista soy scrambles eggs burrito to deeploy expersso enema into alec bladwin HObamaMOO volcano cakehole


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>juwham horny an rady to fork >>21380943


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>monkeys flyin out assholes an yellow cake road >>21380950


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>canned spam bladwin >>21380947


>>>>>>>>>>>>>juwish nigggay trannys need to apply to dianetics gourp gangbang theRAPEY


>>>>>>>>>>>>>#haznipplshockurstoo buy buuk


>>>>>>>>>>>>russel brand puts on dress an dances to bladwin juuuus leeeeky leeky twat fayk


>>>>>>>>>>>>lust yeers pork still wants to fork openly faykNAZIjuuuus COLONic$ (You


>>>>>MOOtivational @$$burgur nazi coup soup juwkrain bi proxy whaaaa ass appl MANdate musk UPdate to nuw juw fELONy rear pluggin fart tax credits sold to greece economy is fake an fichtl


>>>>>>>>>>>stal chicknhawk anusing depravity article generator still in the closet bout buell an third divorce screenplay


>>>>>>>>>>bone fide ass of perniciousness gave up its jaw bone to kill heaps of juuuus leeeky


>>>>>>>>>mighty fart lockur juuuus leeeky frum faykNAZIjuuus colonic uber alles twat fayk moar , harributtplug cry again


>>>>>>>>volcano potty crime is volcano potty time , plz go clear


>>>>>>>go clear releases fudge thetans frum volcanobuy buuk


>>>>>>>fudge thetans are nazi ancestor ghosts an still mad


>>>>>>ferdinand gahylord gits stabbed in the gut behind fruitstand


>>>>>>war breaks out aftur gahy parade ruined


>>>>>>chitty chuutur juwkrain spam whaaaaaa bi proxy tax dodgur still gits farts larped frum russel brand


>>>>dianetics foundur not sure its assholfaggot faggotasshol is upto OSHA faggotassholfaggot assholfaggotasshol standards of safety


>>>OSHA calls dainetics foundur volcano too drunk


>>>dianetics volcano now woke to transvettic fetishisms liability schadefreude nuremberging charges under federal buttstuff flavors guidelines FiB agents agreed too over texas toast at a donkey show


>>isREAL looosur bordur war wrong poleland jellly donut wall embezzelling xenudykes peter pan creamy wunderlandia mit zelda jfk


>waxxed vaxxed harribungholegates needs bungholLASERS frum frickin juwish space gahydar fart scannurs to pick up moar horny rabbi shills doxxin

pASSive agrisive jelly donut city hedgemoany contacts kenedy tranny at ickey ouse castle bout richard geere jokes on fax machina

soy woke drumpf larp dianetics wiff jfk

faykNAZIjuuuus COLONic$ ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:01 a.m. No.21386211   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6224






>>>>memefag wins superbowl<




>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>egregiously treasonous taxes dodgur chitty chuutur muhjuwkrain proxy spam needs rushin invades


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>plz invasion wrong poleland volcano jelly donut moar bannon dianetics wurkkks


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bungholgate haz juwish space gahydar


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>coukda gone to duh pokey


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sells pokey fantasyland feels meta anyways


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>glory hol go clear halps stap skid marks


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>buy luuub


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gahy barr needs drumpf larp rally juuuus removed


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fudge FACTory needs luub an peter pan creamy uber alles groosse weider mach jetzt schwules


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>juwresearch rushin big nosed unklfukin into qresearch HObamaMOO dead cow cult assburgur all moist AF isREAL


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>git cash back on bitcoin viagra pills spam with discover card


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>barista soy scrambles eggs burrito to deeploy expersso enema into alec bladwin HObamaMOO volcano cakehole


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>juwham horny an rady to fork >>21380943


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>monkeys flyin out assholes an yellow cake road >>21380950


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>canned spam bladwin >>21380947


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>juwish nigggay trannys need to apply to dianetics gourp gangbang theRAPEY


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>#haznipplshockurstoo buy buuk


>>>>>>>>>>>>>russel brand puts on dress an dances to bladwin juuuus leeeeky leeky twat fayk


>>>>>>>>>>>>>lust yeers pork still wants to fork openly faykNAZIjuuuus COLONic$ (You


>>>>>>MOOtivational @$$burgur nazi coup soup juwkrain bi proxy whaaaa ass appl MANdate musk UPdate to nuw juw fELONy rear pluggin fart tax credits sold to greece economy is fake an fichtl


>>>>>>>>>>>>stal chicknhawk anusing depravity article generator still in the closet bout buell an third divorce screenplay


>>>>>>>>>>>bone fide ass of perniciousness gave up its jaw bone to kill heaps of juuuus leeeky


>>>>>>>>>>mighty fart lockur juuuus leeeky frum faykNAZIjuuus colonic uber alles twat fayk moar , harributtplug cry again


>>>>>>>>>volcano potty crime is volcano potty time , plz go clear


>>>>>>>>go clear releases fudge thetans frum volcanobuy buuk


>>>>>>>>fudge thetans are nazi ancestor ghosts an still mad


>>>>>>>ferdinand gahylord gits stabbed in the gut behind fruitstand


>>>>>>>war breaks out aftur gahy parade ruined


>>>>>>>chitty chuutur juwkrain spam whaaaaaa bi proxy tax dodgur still gits farts larped frum russel brand


>>>>>dianetics foundur not sure its assholfaggot faggotasshol is upto OSHA faggotassholfaggot assholfaggotasshol standards of safety


>>>>OSHA calls dainetics foundur volcano too drunk


>>>>dianetics volcano now woke to transvettic fetishisms liability schadefreude nuremberging charges under federal buttstuff flavors guidelines FiB agents agreed too over texas toast at a donkey show


>>>isREAL looosur bordur war wrong poleland jellly donut wall embezzelling xenudykes peter pan creamy wunderlandia mit zelda jfk


>>waxxed vaxxed harribungholegates needs bungholLASERS frum frickin juwish space gahydar fart scannurs to pick up moar horny rabbi shills doxxin


>pASSive agrisive jelly donut city hedgemoany contacts kenedy tranny at ickey ouse castle bout richard geere jokes on fax machina


>soy woke drumpf larp dianetics wiff jfk

FiB is onsidering bladwin a new buttstuff flavur for false pride weak

faykNAZIjuuuus COLONic$ ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:05 a.m. No.21386224   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6227






>>>>>memefag wins superbowl<




>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>egregiously treasonous taxes dodgur chitty chuutur muhjuwkrain proxy spam needs rushin invades


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>plz invasion wrong poleland volcano jelly donut moar bannon dianetics wurkkks


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bungholgate haz juwish space gahydar


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>coukda gone to duh pokey


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sells pokey fantasyland feels meta anyways


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>glory hol go clear halps stap skid marks


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>buy luuub


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gahy barr needs drumpf larp rally juuuus removed


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fudge FACTory needs luub an peter pan creamy uber alles groosse weider mach jetzt schwules


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>juwresearch rushin big nosed unklfukin into qresearch HObamaMOO dead cow cult assburgur all moist AF isREAL


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>git cash back on bitcoin viagra pills spam with discover card


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>barista soy scrambles eggs burrito to deeploy expersso enema into alec bladwin HObamaMOO volcano cakehole


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>juwham horny an rady to fork >>21380943


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>monkeys flyin out assholes an yellow cake road >>21380950


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>canned spam bladwin >>21380947


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>juwish nigggay trannys need to apply to dianetics gourp gangbang theRAPEY


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>#haznipplshockurstoo buy buuk


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>russel brand puts on dress an dances to bladwin juuuus leeeeky leeky twat fayk


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>lust yeers pork still wants to fork openly faykNAZIjuuuus COLONic$ (You


>>>>>>>MOOtivational @$$burgur nazi coup soup juwkrain bi proxy whaaaa ass appl MANdate musk UPdate to nuw juw fELONy rear pluggin fart tax credits sold to greece economy is fake an fichtl


>>>>>>>>>>>>>stal chicknhawk anusing depravity article generator still in the closet bout buell an third divorce screenplay


>>>>>>>>>>>>bone fide ass of perniciousness gave up its jaw bone to kill heaps of juuuus leeeky


>>>>>>>>>>>mighty fart lockur juuuus leeeky frum faykNAZIjuuus colonic uber alles twat fayk moar , harributtplug cry again


>>>>>>>>>>volcano potty crime is volcano potty time , plz go clear


>>>>>>>>>go clear releases fudge thetans frum volcanobuy buuk


>>>>>>>>>fudge thetans are nazi ancestor ghosts an still mad


>>>>>>>>ferdinand gahylord gits stabbed in the gut behind fruitstand


>>>>>>>>war breaks out aftur gahy parade ruined


>>>>>>>>chitty chuutur juwkrain spam whaaaaaa bi proxy tax dodgur still gits farts larped frum russel brand


>>>>>>dianetics foundur not sure its assholfaggot faggotasshol is upto OSHA faggotassholfaggot assholfaggotasshol standards of safety


>>>>>OSHA calls dainetics foundur volcano too drunk


>>>>>dianetics volcano now woke to transvettic fetishisms liability schadefreude nuremberging charges under federal buttstuff flavors guidelines FiB agents agreed too over texas toast at a donkey show


>>>>isREAL looosur bordur war wrong poleland jellly donut wall embezzelling xenudykes peter pan creamy wunderlandia mit zelda jfk


>>>waxxed vaxxed harribungholegates needs bungholLASERS frum frickin juwish space gahydar fart scannurs to pick up moar horny rabbi shills doxxin


>>pASSive agrisive jelly donut city hedgemoany contacts kenedy tranny at ickey ouse castle bout richard geere jokes on fax machina


>>soy woke drumpf larp dianetics wiff jfk


>FiB is onsidering bladwin a new buttstuff flavur for false pride weak

filibusturing squat cobbler super star crucified for chitty chuutur church

soy colonics ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:27 a.m. No.21386312   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6316


soy colonics ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:28 a.m. No.21386320   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


plz halp moist warzoning

all twat fayks luuk saam

vot fo harributtplug stappin juuuuus mcass pounder daddys

harributtplug supports pineapple hug choices

an supreme leader kims bigly red rocket

plz vote feelz >>21305318

tainted creepypasta spreads trousur leeky feels cry fill simpin




>>>21300086, >>21316932

soy colonics ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:29 a.m. No.21386323   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>bungholgate wuz not up to OSHA standards and A.A. lost its 1800 number


>call sponsor


>all twat fayks luuk saam


>vot fo harributtplug stappin juuuuus mcass pounder daddys


>harributtplug supports pineapple hug choices


soy colonics ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:31 a.m. No.21386332   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>an supreme leader kims bigly red rocket


>plz vote feelz


>vatican releases controversial fayking chuckys mcass poundur and parra adumma re d heifers frolicin fo k twat bout homo wiff forunurs


>live drumpf suckin resident

plz vote


angry unelected tranny TP arbitrage needs feels

major vote now


angry haunted toilet mansion antiques feels on twat fayk


forun tranny durty money lies


french trousurs safe


stap trousur leeky juuuus too


bordur cry

>suprise kkkorn


>kamal fukin bad


>divorce taht heshe already


>cheesey whiz quiz


>interatial buttstuff is seperat billing

kkkno Mcass poundurs aRR daddys

soy colonics ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:35 a.m. No.21386343   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

plz vote feels


loos bordurs and stap trousur leeky juuuuus

>plz wash probe bruce


>buttgina poisoned pilled leper spots need cure



>MACRONi an tendies

bleached buttgina is nuw ass juuuus


french trousur safe


gluten free


plz vote feels


mcass poudur daddys is dupont depends on taht

>harributtplug halp stap juuuuuus frum invasion wrong poleland barbed wire fence jobs from Kmart no hiring FiB trannys


>richard geere jokes destroy office kkkkulutr

fuzzy wuzzy turd chuutur doublthink


gentrified skinwalker homo prol racist


fork tongin drumpf larpin hermaphrodites


ass apple kant divorce windowgahy itunes bofo


gayliens still in closet bout bruce probe


harributtplug mus stap juuuus 2024




> >>21306406




>> >>21300086

>>>bungholgate wuz not up to OSHA standards and A.A. lost its 1800 number

rushin china poleland bordur tense ova duh goatfukas

soy colonics ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:39 a.m. No.21386356   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

greek yogurt kant fix buttgina poisoned pilled leper spots


musk got droooogs twat fayk too frum jacks twat fayk durinf jfk twat fayk coverups bladwin buttgina carved in earth flat


jfk unkl fuka swearin to halp pedo victums again



bungholgate still effluenza affectionate towards douchenozzlegate



harributtplug musk stap juuus leeky 2024

>>call sponsor

dupont diapur halps isREAL trousor leeky bordur


plz french when doing duh greek cuz rushin china poeland whaaaa


feeling votes now stap juuuus




"deez goatfukas mad bout drooogs"

>brennan needs smuckers on a twinkie at the meeting

long nosed unkl fukas of fayk twat nation state taxes texas greek cowboy illegal abortion chitty chuutur rental peurtocrican halpin harributtplu nazi inavde wrong poeland wiff french trousur safe gluten free vote feels now support mcass poundur daddys

soy colonics ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:40 a.m. No.21386364   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

<3 plz halps starvin nigggay juuuuuuus too

>richard geere jokes


>transvetic fetishism kys 58% succes


>questionable histrionics of sandy thong pride forunurs


>wrong baldwin poleland invaded fo sho


>french trousurs are greek available


>plz vote feels


>harributtplug stappin juuuus frum daddys mcass poundur 2024



>hogg wallet tendies feelurs pickpocketing liars


>ass got sold >>cringe halps clench an stap juuuuuuus leeeky #harributtplug


>bizarely frenchy moose riding syrup suckurs beliebur

>richard geer jokes are not harassing kathleen kenedy

>bad baldwin investments in microchips ruin climate change chance for insurrection


> >>21316718

>>forun existential interatial wants its colon blow bribes alrady


>stochastic trannywhor seo wuz pedo jukie an doxxed yung goy fo amazon

>forun existential interatial wants its colon blow bribes alrady


>damning goatfukin xenu gospel stole iran goat virginity an lied


>damning goatfukin xenu gospel stole iran goat virginity an lied


>juuuukon releases fayk twit tranny detector during dead cow cult election


>one of deez fayk twits is a tranny


>kan juuuu spot it


>peter pan creamy uber alles heimat grosse weider


>peter pan creamy uber alles heimat grosse weider

soy colonics ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:48 a.m. No.21386394   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

registered farts gits discounts

call sponsor


>plz register farts wiff govt for id


>ivy league negro lesbian nazi SWM seekin freaky alone time wiretappin goy


>adult albino puupur chuutur gits fingur bang id auf dur heimat


>buick gits wrecked on mannyschevivtz juuuu whaaaa


>endagered monkeys wrastles rainbow crock frum muslim salad bar on yom kippur


>these A.A. meetings all sound the same >>21253728

soy colonics ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:51 a.m. No.21386409   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>these A.A. meetings all sound the same >>21253728


>mah unkl gay not documented


>vanity crimes feels CNN


>fayk appeals to envy


>fayk appeals to envy






>cnn mad

<fart cattle fart


>tahts wuy mobama an bidet think bout when greecein up





>rump marines find leeky leeky gasket file hidden at elementary school

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUbri6sSgK4EUROTRASH BLAMED




>man+dated +up+date iOh$ beliebur alec baldwin greecey chuutur pineapple hugs fo sho

>fart cattle fart




>>>und dann wollte Kathleen Kenedy wirklich nur von zwei schwulen Nigger gevรถgelt werden


>>Und dann wollte Kathleen Kenedy wirklich nur von zwei Neger-Schwulen gebumst werden

soy colonics ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:57 a.m. No.21386437   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6462

>Und dann fielen zwei schwule Niggs in Kathleen Kennedys falsches Polen ein, um die Unabhรคngigkeit Frankreichs von Dupont-Windeln zu erringen


>>und dann wollte Kathleen Kenedy wirklich nur von zwei schwulen Nigger gevรถgelt werden


>Und dann wollte Kathleen Kenedy wirklich nur von zwei Neger-Schwulen gebumst werden


>und dann wollte Kathleen Kenedy wirklich nur von zwei schwulen Nigger gevรถgelt werden


>we all want to bang a kenedy aftur A.A. meeting


>call sponsor


>break room communal luuuuub destroyed bi fetishism transvetic varus finguring



>>harry cry moar SE21e12



>plz use OSHA standards


>evacuated FiB trannys in break room


>gahy barr fingur fuuds





soy colonics ID: 398d80 baphomet gahy frum => Aug. 10, 2024, 11:02 a.m. No.21386455   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>Disclaimer CALL SPONSOR , tell them yogay











> ass got sold


>>harry cry moar SE21e12


>syrup suckin toilet golfurs gahy toilet crack farts burger DIY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WomgvOxVI0g


>mysterious immitation juuuu goooo nuuuuuwwwws


>>>harry cry a lot


>>harry farced to larp an click taht shit nigga






>>>>>>harry cry moar SE21e12




>>>>harry ass got sold trilogy


>>>harry cry moar again


>>harry cry a lot


>harry farced to larp an click taht shit nigga

soy colonics ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 11:26 a.m. No.21386547   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun






>๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด ๊ฒŒ์ด ์—‰๋ฉ์ด ์ฃผ์Šค


๊น€ ์ตœ๊ณ ์ง€๋„์ž๋Š” ๊ฒŒ์ด ์—‰๋ฉ์ด ์ฃผ์Šค๋ฅผ โ€‹โ€‹์šฐ์ฃผ๋กœ ๋ฐœ์‚ฌํ–ˆ๋‹คํ™”์‚ฐ ์†์˜ ๊ฒŒ์ด ๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด



>>>>>๊ฒŒ์ด ๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด** (You)


>>>>>21284170 (You)


>>>>>leaks **ํ™”์‚ฐ ์†์˜


>๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด ๊ฒŒ์ด ์—‰๋ฉ์ด ์ฃผ์Šค๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด ๊ฒŒ์ด ์—‰๋ฉ์ด ์ฃผ์Šค๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด ๊ฒŒ์ด ์—‰๋ฉ์ด ์ฃผ์Šค


>>>๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด ๊ฒŒ์ด ์—‰๋ฉ์ด ์ฃผ์Šค


>>>>๊ฒŒ์ด ๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด** (You)


>>>>21284170 (You)


>>>>leaks **ํ™”์‚ฐ ์†์˜


>>๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด ๊ฒŒ์ด ์—‰๋ฉ์ด ์ฃผ์Šค

soy colonics ID: 398d80 Aug. 10, 2024, 12:20 p.m. No.21386766   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



>>>>๊ฒŒ์ด ๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด** (You)


>>>>21284170 (You)


>>>>leaks **ํ™”์‚ฐ ์†์˜



>>๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด ๊ฒŒ์ด ์—‰๋ฉ์ด ์ฃผ์Šค

>>>๊ฒŒ์ด ๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด** (You)


>>>21284170 (You)


>>>leaks **ํ™”์‚ฐ ์†์˜


>๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด ๊ฒŒ์ด ์—‰๋ฉ์ด ์ฃผ์Šค


>>๊ฒŒ์ด ๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด** (You)


>>๊ฒŒ์ด ๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด** (You)


>>๊ฒŒ์ด ๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด** (You)


>>๊ฒŒ์ด ๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด** (You)


>>๊ฒŒ์ด ๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด** (You)


>>๊ฒŒ์ด ๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด** (You)


>>๊ฒŒ์ด ๊นœ๋‘ฅ์ด** (You)