Anonymous ID: 434ae3 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:21 a.m. No.21386287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6307 >>6541 >>6694 >>6768


2021 Withdrawal of Afgan.Anons absolutely listen to this. The head of the CIA Burns met 2 weeks before US withdrawal, with Afghan leader terrorist, (that US had a millions of $ bounty on), along with Pakistani leaders, Chinese military and other forces, two weeks before the withdrawal in August. Bagram Air Force base was taken over after the withdrawal, by Chinese military massive transport planes and armies. They got the $85 billion equipment and base for pennies on the dollar. Listen to the whole thing. Our country knew and allowed China to take over the base and the Afghan Military. It's far worse than that, the withdrawal under Bidan Military gave all the US military equipment and bases to China to control. And now they are building up other countries for more terrorism forces.


If you don't think Milley should be hung for treason, along with the CIA Burns, this is complete justification, along with many more, Obama and Bidan

Anonymous ID: 434ae3 Aug. 10, 2024, 12:11 p.m. No.21386721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6768

Explosive New Video Surfaces In The Secret Service Scandal (Ep. 2305) - 08/09/2024 A lot of whistleblowers coming out from SS, FBI and IC community


Some are doing it because they know Trump will be President and trying to protect themselves, while others are pissed becausethere is no way this was NOT a set up to kill Trump. It's too hard to believe this was a mess up. They are pissed one man got killed and 3 others shot with Trump. We cannot suspend disbelief anymore, it's too obvious. Dan has a lot of them leaking to him. Rowe is intentionally trying to bury this, he was responsible for every thing that was done on J13. So we have the leader along with DHS that set Trump up, why is he still there? And why isn't anyone arrested and charged with a criminal conspiracy, because thats what it is?

