Anonymous ID: 5081fd Aug. 10, 2024, 9:54 a.m. No.21386187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6205 >>6230

>>21385541 LB

>People choose to live :

Left Coast: mud slides, earthquakes, forest fires, volcanos, floods, Leftards, Leftard Laws, High taxes

Middle USA: tornados, floods,

South/Gulf Coast, East Coast: hurricanes, high taxes

Northern Border: Blue State Laws, HIgh taxes, Canucks, Nor'easterns, blizzards, floods, snow days

Hawaii: DEW, Volcanos erupting, floods, Leftard Laws, high taxes

Alaska: Snow, Ice, Russia next door, high taxes,

New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Cali: border jumpers, rapers, murders, foreign invasions, high taxes,


We The People pay for all of it: FEMA, Wall, college/medical/housing/money to live for Illegal aliens, Our own legal fees fighting illegal aliens- that they get for free, wind farms, electric vehicles, corrupt politicians lining their own pockets, High electric bills, high food bills, high stress levels.


No state is safe.

Where exactly is one supposed to live where they don't have to foot the bill for any/all this shit? Inquiring minds want to know, as we want to move there.