follow Jesus anon.
you pretend that it's adult to be a pagan but it's not.
you post your anti-christian tripe and I counter it as an adult should and you pretend to the the adult.
Anon, if you were an adult you wouldn't be pissing on all the Christians here who are charged to tell you :
Jesus Christ is Lord.
Follow Jesus.
what you got now?
however . . .
the facts prove otherwise thta the profits are made in a way that it doesn't show up on the ballance sheets of the 'bigget supermarkets'
they do a 'cost plus 90' pricing and probably own the banks that lend the money to do the financing.
if the supermarkets paid up front when the food was delievered they'd have MUCH LOWER prices.
so the costs are high because the food is financed for 90 days.
Hello "know it all"
take my advice.
Jesus Christ is Lord!
Know Jesus.
Follow Jesus.
all the rest of you scree is nonsense and you just being the 'I know best' know it all that shows you as a pagan which is why I called you that.
you go on about 'blind' and 'lies' but you can't see with my eyes nor understand with my intuition.
I can only tell you if you want to know Jesus you have to ask HIM to make you holy and to reveal Himself to you.
I can't give you sauce in this reguard.
you might talk to a Christian and take a course at a church to make the journey much quicker for you, or you can just talk to Him directly.
so, you already know I can't prove to you what comes from faith but yet you persist in asking Christians for sauce.
the blood of Christ is the sauce and it flowed out for all mankind, anon.
how sure is he that Kamala is a biological female?
no, anon.
you try to pretend like psychology can explain away your lack of faith.
you've never approached Jesus as if He could be your friend.
And so you've never experience His presence.
and if He wants you he'll let you know.
so don't ignore him.
have a nice day anon, I've told you what you need to hear. Some day you'll be in a crisis and when you are ask Jesus to help you and see what happens.
but better: approach Him now while you aren't in crisis and get to know Him.
Alta Vista was first.
that was the first search engine.
Google was the company that was handed the keys to the kingdom by cabal insiders probably through DARPA.
Digital was bled out, and destroyed.
Fortunately their good work didn't all go away.
X Windows was supposed to be abandoned, but Richard Stallman was a good guy and he invented Open Source, so XWindows could not be killed.
Linux arose.
Google needs to die.
They need to be antitrusted and their assets handed out to all those that they tried to destroy.
And the ones who did all that need to be brought to justice.
It all will happen, maybe not on this Earth.
They will not escape justice for the evil that they told other not to do but which they , themselves, thought to have a monopoly on.
The Big-tech-tatorship must be antitrusted and all their assets doled out to those who the Big-Techtators sought to destroy.
" Suspect in decades-old Framingham rape case arrested after car chase in Los Angeles "
back in the day I never heard this story.
supposedly there were serial rapists in those days in New England but the news was suppressed.
I used to go to this story with my sisters and my mother and have a pizza next door while the girls shopped.
now it's an Auto Zone
the odd thing for me about Kamala's mother: what Indian woman in the early sixties would not have an arranged marriage?
Do Tamil's not have arraigned marriages?
Makes me think that she was not really Indian but a person who just migrated through there on her way to the USA to scrub her real ethnicity.
this narrator lost me at the 'extremist Nigel' slight.
hello 'no one is every good enough, you are not OK anon'
I'm pointing out that the narrative of an Indian woman NOT HAVING an arranged marriage seems VERY FAKE.
read with a bit more descernment and stop doing the 'you are not OK bit', can you?