What would it have looked like if it had looked as though there was a highly prejudicial scapegoat accuser pattern that was itself its own, not for you, sacrificing you, introducing the very same far right attacks (censorship at threat of being thrown into a cage for more than a year) seeking to implement the same far right pattern as nazi germany?
If Keir regime 5gw was truly "anti-far right"….then why are they implementing far right censorship terrorism exactly like the former nazis…and former soviet regimes?
Did Nazism, as IMPLEMENTED ideology, really die or did it continue?
Isnt the EU with Germany as "lead" what today's LOUDEST "you are far right" accusing nazis said they were trying to stop "the nazis" from doing?
The same network outsourcing unsolicited, communism is the same network that is outsourcing, unsolicited, fascism.
Imprisoning for people engaging in speech, on open source social media communications, is itself far right wing terrorism from the Keir regime.
Imprisoning people for merely OBSERVING protests…is itself far right fascism.
The loudest "accusers of the general public", nation state players, of "you are far right fascism we are anti-far right fascism", are themselves implementing far right fascism by imprisoning people to censor their speech about that same far right praxis inherent in the regime's own praxis.